“Idgie used to do all kinds of crazy harebrained things just to get a laugh. She put poker chips in the collection basket at the Baptist church once. She was a character all right, but how anybody could ever have thought that she killed that man is beyond me.”
“Heart pounding, adrenaline burning through me, everyone is my enemy. Except Gale. My hunting partner, the person who has my back. There’s nothing to do but move forward, killing whoever come into our path.”
“There was a piercing scream from the woods, followed closely by a pistol report. ‘Does it seem right to you, lady, that one is punished a heap and another ain’t punished at all?’ ”
“Jesus!” the old lady cried. “You’ve got good blood! I know you wouldn’t shoot a lady! I know you come from nice people! Pray! Jesus, you ought not to shoot a lady. I’ll give you all the money I’ve got!”
“He was realizing his own meaning in the world; he was doing that for which he was made-killing meat and battling to kill it. He was justifying his existence, than which life can do no greater; for life achieves its summit when it does to the uttermost that which it was equipped to do ”
“Every time people come at us with the intention of killing us, I close my eyes and wait for death. Even though I am still alive, I feel like each time I accept death, part of me dies.”
“Human history in all ages is red with blood, and bitter with hate, and stained with cruelties; but not since Biblical times have these features been without a limit of some kind.
“But don’t you see, he’s mad? It’s all mad! The whole thing of going by the rhyme is mad! Dressing up the judge, killing Rogers when he was chopping sticks—drugging Mrs. Rogers so that she overslept herself—arranging for a bumble bee when Miss Brent died!”
″[Colonel Aureliano Buendía’s] orders were being carried out even before they were given, even before he thought of them, and they always went much beyond what he would have dared have them do. Lost in the solitude of his immense power, he began to lose direction.”
“I hurriedly cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger. The charge exploded and sent a lead ball of justice, too long delayed, into the criminal heart of Tom Chaney.”
“It is the hate that is the enemy. Not men. Hate does not die with killing. It only springs up a hundredfold. The only thing stronger than hate is love.”
“Black bears rarely attack. But here’s the thing. Sometimes they do. All bears are agile, cunning and immensely strong, and they are always hungry. If they want to kill you and eat you, they can, and pretty much whenever they want. That doesn’t happen often, but-and here is the absolutely salient point-once would be enough.”
“I think you thought you were gonna walk in here and flash a badge and that was gonna mean something. I eat breakfast seventy yards away from three thousand Cubans who are trained to kill me. Danny, believe this. I’d kill you. I’d kill everyone in this room. I’d kill anyone to protect what I am paid to protect.”
“So I was tired, but the tension of the last week was gone, the cold voice of the Dark Passenger was quiet, and I could be me again. Quirky, funny, happy-go-lucky, dead-inside Dexter. No longer Dexter with the knife, Dexter the Avenger. Not until next time.”
“I enjoy my work; sorry if that bothers you. Oh, very sorry, really. But there it is. And it’s not just any killing, of course. It has to be done the right way, at the right time, with the right partner—very complicated, but very necessary.”
″ ‘I do understand, Father,’ I said, and there was something in my voice, the Dark Passenger’s voice now, and the sound of it froze him. He lifted his head slowly to face me and what he saw in my eyes made him very still. ‘I understand perfectly,” I told him, moving very close to his face. The sweat on his cheeks turned to ice. ‘You see,’ I said, ‘I can’t help myself, either.’ ”
“I felt a lot better. I always did, after. Killing makes me feel good. It works the knots out of darling Dexter’s dark schemata. It’s a sweet release, a necessary letting go of all the little hydraulic valves inside. ”
“I’d like to kill you, you selfish brute. Why didn’t you leave me where you picked me out of—in the gutter? You thank God it’s all over, and that now you can throw me back again there, do you?”
“The wind in my face and the taste of the salt spray helped clear my head, made me feel clean and a little fresher. I found it a great deal easier to think. Part of it was the calm and peace of the water. And another part was that in the best tradition of Miami watercraft, most of the other boaters seemed to be trying to kill me. I found that very relaxing. I was right at home. This is my country; these are my people.”
“It was my duty to shoot, and I don’t regret it. The woman was already dead. I was just making sure she didn’t take any Marines with her.
It was clear that not only did she want to kill them, but she didn’t care about anybody else nearby who would have been blown up by the grenade or killed in the firefight. Children on the street, people in the houses, maybe her child. She was too blinded by evil to consider them. She just wanted Americans dead, no matter what.”
“We would bump out five hundred yards, six or eight hundred yards, going deep into Injun territory to look and wait for the bad guys. We’d set up on overwatch ahead of one of his patrols. As soon as his people showed up, they’d draw all sorts of insurgents toward them. We’d take them down. The guys would turn and try and fire on us; we’d pick them off. We were protectors, bait, and slayers.”
“It was a kid. A child.
I had a clear view in my scope, but I didn’t fire. I wasn’t going to kill a kid, innocent or not. I’d have to wait until the savage who put him up to it showed himself on the street.”
″‘There are two kinds of people in this world, son. Those who save lives, and those who take lives.’
‘And what of those who protect and defend? Those who save lives by taking lives?’
‘That’s like trying to stop a storm by blowing harder. Ridiculous. You can’t protect by killing.‘”
″‘You sent him to the sky to die, assassin,’ Kaladin said, Stormlight puffing from his lips, ‘but the sky and the winds are mine. I claim them, as I now claim your life.‘”
“How aimless it was, how chaotic, how unreal it was, she thought, looking at her empty coffee cup. Mrs. Ramsay dead; Andrew killed; Prue dead too—repeat it as she might, it roused no feeling in her.”
″ ‘It’s better this way. I don’t want you to have a broken heart.’
‘Love can’t kill me,’ I say, parroting Carla’s words.
‘That’s not true,’ she says. ‘Whoever told you that?’ ”
“An ugly man, with a face sharp like a weasel and a habit of running a flickering tongue over his lips before he speaks. But most ugly of all are his eyes: blue, bright blue. When people see them, they flinch. Such things are freakish. He is lucky he was not killed at birth.”
“Finally, and definitely the coolest part, is that you get a card from the State Department that gives you diplomatic immunity. I wasn’t exactly sure what diplomatic immunity meant, so I asked around to see if I could kill someone. Not someone important, of course, but someone normal - like Doug. I never got a call back on the question so I’m operating under the assumption that I can.”
“Though are sworn, Eros, That when the exigent should come, which now Is come indeed, when I should see behind me Th’ inevitable prosecution of Disgrace and honor, that on my command Thou then wouldst kill me. Do’t. The time is come. Thou strik’st not me; ‘tis Caesar thou defeat’st.”
“Just as if I was one of those true knights you love so well, yes. What do you think a knight is for, girl? You think it’s all taking favors from ladies and looking fine in gold plate? Knights are for killing.”
“Killing or kidnapping an American ambassador on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks would be a major coup for extreme Islamist group or militia. Reducing an American diplomatic outpost to a charred ruin would be a bonus.”
“In a way we’re like a revolutionary group-repossessing society by violence. It’s inevitable. Violence is no stranger to you. You’ve killed. Many times.”
“That’s exactly why we’re killing... to survive. We can’t allow the dead to exist beside the living. Their brains are impaired, they exist for only one purpose. They have to be destroyed.”
“Alais: You saved them. You maneuvered it.
Eleanor: Did I?
Alais: They’re free because of you. They’ll kill him one day; you know that
Eleanor: The next or the next.”
“He spent several days deciding on the artifacts. Much longer than he had spent deciding to kill himself, and approximately the same time required to get that many reds. He would be found lying on his back, on his bed, with a copy of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead (which would prove he had been a misunderstood superman rejected by the masses and so, in a sense, murdered by their scorn) and an unfinished letter to Exxon protesting the cancellation of his gas credit card. That way he would indict the system and achieve something by his death, over and above what the death itself achieved. Actually, he was not as sure in his mind what the death achieved as what the two artifacts achieved; but anyhow it all added up...”
“I’ve just been handed this bulletin--Commissioner James Gordon has been shot and killed--oops! Sorry, folks I read it wrong...Gordon has shot and killed a seventeen-year-old member of the mutant gang...”
“I can remember when the bison were so many that they could not be counted, but more and more Wasichus came to kill them until there were only heaps and heaps of bones scattered where they used to be. The Wasichus did not kill them to eat; they killed them for the metal that makes them crazy, and they took only the hides to sell. Sometimes they did not even take the hides to sell. Sometimes they did not even take the hides, only the tongues; […] they just killed and killed because they liked to do that. When we hunted bison, we killed only what we needed. And when there was nothing left but heaps of bones, the Wasichus came and gathered up even the bones and sold them.”
“Here is your pearl. I found it in the path. Can you hear me now? Here is your pearl. Can you understand? You have killed a man. We must go away. They will come for us, can you understand? We must be gone before daylight comes.”
“I’ve been thinking lately. About you and me. About what’s going to happen to us, in the end. We’re going to kill each other, aren’t we? Perhaps you’ll kill me. Perhaps I’ll kill you. Perhaps sooner. Perhaps later.”
″-my people are on another. There is room in this world for both ways. But your failure to grasp this simple fact has killed many of us and it will kill many more of you. For we have been on our path longer.”
“What do I got to say? About John Ruth’s ravings? He’s absolutely right. Me and one of them fellas is in cahoots and we’re just waiting for everybody go to sleep. That’s when we going to kill you all.”
“This sword is made for only one purpose, to kill. It will only be as good or evil as the one who wields it. I know that you intend to use it only for the good of your Abbey, Matthias; do so, but never allow yourself to be tempted into using it in a careless or idle way.”
“The Indian was made of plastic again. Omri knelt there, appalled- too appalled to move. He had killed his Indian, or done something awful to him. At the same time he had killed his dream- all the wonderful, exciting, secret games that had filled his imagination all day.”
“I killed Grike, he thought. All right, so he was dead already, technically, but he was still a person. He had hopes and plans and dreams, and I put a stop to them all.”
“Frog pushed a coat down over the top of Toad. Frog pulled snowpants up over the bottom of Toad. He put a hat and scarf on Toad’s head. ‘Help!’ cried Toad. ‘My best friend is trying to kill me!’ ‘I’m only getting you ready for winter,’ said Frog. ”
“I got the idea for killing Simon while watching Dateline. I’d been thinking about it for a while, obviously. That’s not the kind of thing you pluck out of thin air. But the how of getting away with it always stopped me. I don’t kid myself that I’m a criminal mastermind. And I’m much too good-looking for prison.”
″‘Ah, but they is not killing their own kind,’ the BFG said. ‘Human beans is the only animals that is killing their own kind.’
‘Don’t poisonous snakes kill each other?’ Sophie asked. She was searching desperately for another creature that behaved as badly as the human.
‘Even poisnowse snakes is never killing each other,’ the BFG said.”
“With each gleaning I commit, with each life taken for the good of humanity, I mourn for the boy I once was, whose name I sometimes struggle to remember. And I long for a place beyond immortality where I can, in some small measure, resurrect the wonder, and be that boy again.”
″...it was glorious, if glory is a magnificent and raptured exaltation. It was what love would be like, if love was a sin. It was what music would be, if music could kill you.”
“So, it was the iguana who frightened the python, whot scared the rabbit, who startled the crow, who alarmed the monkey, who killed the owlet - and now Mother Owl won’t wake the sun so that the day can come.”
They fought the dogs and killed the cats, and bit the babies in the cradles, and ate the cheese out of the vats, and licked the soup from the cooks’ own ladles.”
″ ‘Cuckoo,’ she said reproachfully, ‘I didn’t think you were so hardhearted. I have been so unhappy about you, and I was so pleased to hear your voice again, for I thought I had killed you, or hurt you very badly; and I didn’t mean to hurt you, cuckoo. I was sorry the moment I had done it, dreadfully sorry. Dear cuckoo, won’t you forgive me?’ ”
″‘I speak now for Gnorre Nithing because he not a man to speak for himself. He is a warrior and a viking, not a talker about firesides.’
Thorkell smiled up at him gently, ‘What right have you to speak for another man, Aun Doorback?’ he said.
‘The best right of all, Master Goldhair,’ said Aun. ‘It was my brother that Gnorre killed.‘”
“Now you are in my power, to slay or spare as I will! And I will kill you forewith, unless you kneel and yield to me, confessing yourself to be a knight of little worth.”
″‘He was sent to Warsaw to kill us,’ said Ruth. ‘I don’t suppose he wanted to very much. If he were here now, he would treat us as friends, as you do, Frau Wolff. It all seems so stupid and senseless.‘”
“Mas’r,” said Tom, “I know ye can do dreadful things; but,“—he stretched himself upward and clasped his hands,—“but, after ye’ve killed the body, there an’ t no more ye can do. And O, there’s all ETERNITY to come, after that!”