
Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be Quotes

31 of the best book quotes from Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be
“Judgments keep us from building a stronger tribe...or from having a tribe in the first place. Our judgment prohibits us from beautiful, life-affirming friendships. Our judgment keeps us from connecting in deeper, richer ways because we’re too stuck on the surface-level assumptions we’ve made.”
“Friends, it’s not about the goal or the dream you have. It’s about who you become on your way to that goal.”
“Work just as hard for fun moments, vacation moments, and pee-your-pants laughing moments as you do for all the other things.”
“You don’t have to get it right all the time. You don’t have to do things like anyone else’s mom. You only have to care.”
“If you choose today not to break another promise to yourself, you will force yourself to slow down. You cannot keep every commitment, promise, goal, and idea without intentionality.”
“Look for the fruits of the Spirit. ...The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, patience, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. ...Choose one that resonates with you at this moment, write it down on some Post-its, and stick it everywhere.”
“Slow down your yes. Only commit to things you know you can accomplish because they’re incredibly important to you. Otherwise you set yourself up for continued failure.”
“I also learned that I am a child of God--and that trumps everything else.”
“Sometimes choosing to walk away, even if it means breaking your own heart, can be the greatest act of self-love you have access to.”
“Be careful any time the only voice of advisement is your own. Your judgment is easily clouded when you’re in love.”
“I heard him ask me, ‘Do you have faith in my plan or not?’ That is what it boils down to: faith. The belief that your life will unfold as it was meant to, even when it unfolds into something painful and difficult to navigate. Do you believe he has a plan?”
“I learned to rest in the knowledge that I will still be okay even if both of those things go away tomorrow. I studied the gospel and finally grasped the divine knowledge that I was loved and worthy and I am.”
“When you assume you’re in total control, you don’t stop and take time to seek out a relationship with God; you use alternative means to try and manufacture some peace.”
“Ladies, our judging has to stop. So does our compulsion to compete with everyone around us.”
“If you’re not able to value yourself, no one else will either.”
“Every day you’re choosing who you are and what you believe about yourself, and you’re setting the standards for the relationships in your life. Every day is a chance to start over.”
“The definition of worship is ‘the feeling of expression or reverence for a deity.’ Creating is the greatest expression of reverence I can think of because I can recognize that the desire to make something is a gift from God.
“The only thing worse than giving up is wishing that you hadn’t.”
“Let me take a moment to tell those of you who are dealing with and fighting through something painful: it is a miracle that you’re sitting here. You are nobly doing your best to battle your way through it. You are a warrior because of the trials you are going through, but don’t you dare squander the strength you have earned just because the acquisition of it was painful.”
“Those are the most important stories to share. You can use that strength to pave a path for others to follow along behind.”
“The God who made the moon and the stars and the mountains and the oceans, The Creator who did all of those things, believed that you and your baby were meant to be a pair. That doesn’t mean you’re going to be a perfect fit. That doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes. It does mean that you need not fear failure because you can’t fail at a job you were created to do.”
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