
personality traits Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about personality traits
“She had the power of silent sympathy. That sounds rather dull, I know, but it’s not so dull as it sounds. It just means that a person is able to know that you are unhappy, and to love you extra on that account, without bothering you by telling you all the time how sorry she is for you.”
“Sometimes we may act like Sniff, who sniffs out change early, or Scurry who scurries into action, or Hem who denies and resists change as he fears it will lead to something worse, or Haw who learns to adapt in time when he sees changing can lead to something better!”
“1. I am not quite normal 2. I am not very popular 3. I am able to tell what people are thinking. And I might add 4. I am terribly bad at keeping quiet when I have something on my mind because 5. I ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS AND INVARIABLY TELL THE TRUTH.”
″‘When you told me the first time that Valentine was your father, I didn’t believe it,’ she said. ‘Not just because I didn’t want it to be true, but because you weren’t anything like him. But you are. You are.‘”
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