
fears Quotes

28 of the best book quotes about fears
“The thick warmth of his sleepy breath against my ear. If you have to go, I will go with you. My fears forgotten in the golden harbor of his arms. The memories come, and come. She listens, staring into the grain of the stone. We are all there, goddess and mortal and the boy who was both.”
“Fear wears many different outfits — and none of them are cute.”
″ When we conquer our fears, we discover a boundless, bottomless, inexhaustible well of passion.”
“Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.”
“Fear . . . For the gazelle, fear of being eaten. For the lion, fear of starvation. Fear is the chain that binds them together.”
“That summer, in any case, all the fears with which I had grown up, and which were now a part of me and controlled my vision of the world, rose up like a wall between the world and me, and drove me into the church.”
“That is the way fear serves us: it always sides with the thing we are afraid of.”
“A U.S. of modern A. where the State is not a team or a code, but a sort of sloppy intersection of desires and fears, where the only public consensus a boy must surrender to is the acknowledged primacy of straight-line pursuing this flat and short-sighted idea of personal happiness.”
″...You’re afraid of being a one-hit wonder. You’re afraid of being a no-hit wonder.... Listen, I don’t have all day here, so I’m not going to keep listing fears. It’s a bottomless list, anyhow, and a depressing one. I’ll just wrap up my summary this way: SCARY, SCARY, SCARY.
“We promise according to our expectations and we want according to our fears.”
“Fear isn’t only a guide to keep us safe; it’s also a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.”
“Your fears are not walls, but hurdles. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquering of it.”
“The man who fears to be alone will never be anything but lonely, no matter how much he may surround himself with people. But the man who learns, in solitude and recollection, to be at peace with his own loneliness, and to prefer its reality to the illusion of merely natural companionship, comes to know the invisible companionship of God.”
“Don’t think for a moment that successful people don’t have fears.”
“Acknowledge your fear and move forward. Fear is there to let you know that what you are taking on is worth your risking your current lifestyle.”
“Do not lose yourself in the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. Do not get caught in your anger, worries, or fears. Come back to the present moment, and touch life deeply. This is mindfulness.”
“Do not lose yourself in the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. Do not get caught in your anger, worries, or fears. Come back to the present moment, and touch life deeply. This is mindfulness.”
“Men engage in factional conflict through fear, both when they have committed injustice and are frightened of paying the penalty, and when they are about to suffer injustice and wish to forestall it.”
“Don’t fear the pros. The pros know what they’re doing, and do it cleanly. Fear the amateurs.”
“Adventure requires something of us, puts us to the test. Though we may fear the test, at the same time we yearn to be tested, to discover that we have what it takes.”
“Most of the old moles I know with they had listened less to their fears and more to their dreams.”
“Any fear Miyax had of the wolves was dispelled by their affection for each other. They were friendly animals and so devoted to Amaroq that she needed only to be accepted by him to be accepted by all.”
“Sometimes we may act like Sniff, who sniffs out change early, or Scurry who scurries into action, or Hem who denies and resists change as he fears it will lead to something worse, or Haw who learns to adapt in time when he sees changing can lead to something better!”
“The child who has good maternal experiences will develop a sense of basic security and will not be subject to morbid fears of losing support, being annihilated, or the like.”
“Our worst fears, like our greatest hopes, are not outside our powers, and we can come in the end to triumph over the former and to achieve the latter.”
“Everything was delicious- outside and inside him. Nothing to dread anymore- no doors closed in his mind against thoughts and fears that made him sicken and tremble- it was all good, the sun, the water, Flicka, his father- ”
“Linus must set aside his fears and determine whether or not they’re likely to bring about the end of days.”
“Such glimpses of oppressive dark naturally led his thinking to Gosling-- Gosling Cornivinous Arbour of the Cornivinius Arbours-- a powerful family with ties to some of the most ancient bloodlines of Boschenberg and Brandenbrass.”

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