
truthful Quotes

11 of the best book quotes about truthful
“The heaviest of burdens is therefore simultaneously an image of life’s most intense fulfillment. The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become.”
“The more honest one is, the easier it is to continue being honest, just as the more lies one has told, the more necessary it is to lie again. By their openness, people dedicated to the truth live in the open, and through the exercise of their courage to live in the open, they become free from fear.”
“Maybe what you’ve written will help others, will be a small part of the solution. You don’t even have to know how or in what way, but if you are writing the clearest, truest words you can find and doing the best you can to understand and communicate, this will shine on paper like its own little lighthouse.”
“But I perceive in you so excellent a touch of modesty, that you will not extort from me what I am willing to keep in. Therefore it charges me in manners the rather to express myself. You must know of me, then, Antonio, my name is Sebastian, which I called Roderigo.”
″ It was too rare to be normal, any true thing between two people is too rare. ”
“I’ve heard so many stories I don’t know which one is the most popular. But I do know which is the least popular. The truth.”
″Clay, your reputation was deserved. But mine… mine was not. And there I was with you. Adding to my reputation.”
″‘I’ve heard of you. And if it hadn’t been for you, Godmama, I wouldn’t be here at this minute.’ ‘Does that make you glad or sorry?’ asked the old lady. ‘Glad!’ said the Ordinary Princess promptly. ‘Though I ought to say,’ she added truthfully, ‘that there have been times when I’ve wished I was a really proper kind of princess ... but not very often.’ The old lady laughed a high cackling sort of laugh. ‘You’re a sensible child,’ she said. ‘Come and sit beside me and tell me all about it.‘”
“1. I am not quite normal 2. I am not very popular 3. I am able to tell what people are thinking. And I might add 4. I am terribly bad at keeping quiet when I have something on my mind because 5. I ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS AND INVARIABLY TELL THE TRUTH.”
“Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness.”
″ ‘What is he sent to school for? Well, partly because he wanted so to go. If he’ll only turn out a brave, helpful, truth-telling Englishman, and a gentleman, and a Christian, that’s all I want.’ ”
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