
Rosa Goes to Daycare Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Rosa Goes to Daycare
“When they come home, her aunt has to pet her all the time, or else Rosa growls. Dogs aren’t supposed to sit at home and growl all day. So now Rosa is starting daycare! First you go through a door, up a few stairs, and there you’re there. The first few days her aunt is allowed to come because Rosa is shy and wants to run home right away. ”
“Haddock and Tuffy live in another room. Haddock is so happy and bouncy. But he has to be careful because he broke his leg when he was only a few weeks old. Poor Haddock. He has two hedgehogs and an old mitt to play with to help him cheer up. Tuffy is really old and would rather not do anything all day. When Haddock gets to jumpy, Tuffy growls at him to calm down.”
“The first few days when Rosa goes for a walk, she lies right down on the sidewalk and pretends she’s dead. The daycare ladies ask her aunt, ‘Does Rosa usually lie down and pretend she’s dead?’ ‘Yes, she does,’ says Rosa’s aunt. But after a week Rosa isn’t as tired anymore. She starts walking faster.”
“But all the dogs are nice. Mean dogs aren’t allowed at this daycare. Once a mean dog came and wanted to bite. It wasn’t allowed to come anymore and now it sits at home being mean instead. The dogs live in different rooms. The dachsund Karo lives in Rosa’s room. He likes girl dogs. That’s wy there are only girl dogs in his room: Molly, Esther and Rosa. Each dog has her own basket, and Karo takes turns lying with each of them.”
“And one day the daycare ladies tell Rosa’s aunt that something strange has happened. Rosa is no longer the last one when they go out. Now she’s at the front with Falco and Charlie! After their walk the dogs are supposed to sleep. Some lie in their own baskets. Some trade baskets with each other. A few cram themselves into one basket because it is so cozy. Anyone who doesn’t want to sleep has to sleep anyway. That’s the way it is a daycare.”
“Rosa is disgusted: her aunt has decided to send her to a doggie daycare center. There she faces an unknown routine -- and all kinds of rules. But Rosa soon makes great friends and even finds adventure in the great outdoors. ”
“Rosa’s Aunt is worried because Rosa still won’t go for walks and growls unless she gets lot of attention. The only solution seems to be daycare! Rosa is afraid. What if the dogs are mean? Maybe they will bite her.”
“At five Rosa’s aunt comes to pick her up. The ladies tell her about the little fish and the black water and how Rosa fell in. Then Rosa tells the store her way. She barks and barks about how scared she was how cold the water was. But that then the fishermen pulled her up by the ears. And then she got two little fish and they were so yummy! Now she is happy. But she will never go in the water again.”
“Summer is over. The fields and forests are gone, and now there are just streets and cars everywhere. When Rosa and her aunt go out for a walk, Rosa sits down on the sidewalk. Or she lies down and closes her eyes. ”
“Charly, Falco and Mysan live in one room. Mysan is shy_mostly with girl dog, even though she’s a girl herself. Charlie and Falco are best friends. They are like two policemen who watch over everyone, so no one gets lost on walks. The other dogs don’t see the point. They want to decide on their own whether they are going to get lost or not.”

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