
things that matter most Quotes

20 of the best book quotes about things that matter most
“You’re still alive. And that means you’ll love and be loved...and in the end, nothing else really matters.”
“For his part, the Count had opted for the life of the purposefully unrushed. Not only was he disinclined to race toward some appointed hour - disdaining even to wear a watch - he took the greatest satisfaction when assuring a friend that a worldly matter could wait in favor of a leisurely lunch or stroll along the embankment. After all, did not wine improve with age? Was it not the passage of years that gave a piece of furniture its delightful patina? When all was said and done, the endeavors that most modern men saw as urgent (such as appointments with bankers and the catching of trains), probably could have waited, while those they deemed frivolous (such as cups of tea and friendly chats) had deserved their immediate attention.”
“I’ll tell you what is convenient,” he said after a moment. “To sleep until noon and have someone bring you your breakfast on a tray. To cancel an appointment at the very last minute. To keep a carriage waiting at the door of one party, so that on a moment’s notice it can whisk you away to another. To sidestep marriage in your youth and put off having children altogether. These are the greatest of conveniences, Anushka—and at one time, I had them all. But in the end, it has been the inconveniences that have mattered to me most.”
“Jesus is the only significance. Beside Jesus nothing has any significance. He alone matters.”
″What matters most is how we respond to what we experience in life.″
“You also realize that all the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, and inner peace - arise from beyond the mind.”
“God’s definition of what matters is pretty straightforward. He measures our lives by how we love.”
“‘I know what it’s like to be distracted. To seek out distractions. To exhaust yourself doing every other little thing rather than face a blank page.’”
“Being chosen is the greatest gift you can give to another human being.”
“When I look back, I realize she raised me like a white kid—not white culturally, but in the sense of believing that the world was my oyster, that I should speak up for myself, that my ideas and thoughts and decisions mattered.”
“He closed his eyes as she put her head on his shoulder, and in that instant, nothing else mattered. Not the song, not the place, not the other couples around him. Only this, only her. He gave himself over to the feel of her body as it pressed against him, and they moved slowly in small circles on the sawdust-strewn floor, lost in a world that felt as though it had been created for just the two of them.”
“‘It ain’t dying I’m talking about, it’s living,’ Augustus said. ‘I doubt it matters where you die, but it matters where you live.‘”
“‘Names are not important. It’s what lies inside of you that matters.’”
“When he reenlisted anyway, I thought, Okay. Now I know. Being a SEAL is more important to him than being a father or a husband.”
“Ideas come from people. Therefore, people are more important than ideas.”
“Humiliated best friend always takes precedence over cute guy.”
“This is what the ego does. It crosses out what matters and replaces it with what doesn’t.”
“Learn to say no. When you are saying yes to an unimportant thing, you are saying no to an important one.”
“For I have learned that every heart will get What it prays for most.”
“Granted, there is a healthy kind of busyness where your life is full with things that matter, not wasted on empty leisure or trivial pursuits.”
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