
best friend Quotes

44 of the best book quotes about best friend
“What about Jacob? What was I going to do about him? My former best friend who was now...what? My enemy?”
“He took hold of Shmuel’s tiny hand in his and squeezed it tightly. ‘You’re my best friend, Shmuel,’ he said. ‘My best friend.‘”
“The funny thing was, I never really bought into Kim’s notion that they were somehow bound together through me - until just now when I saw her half carrying him down the hospital corridor.”
“Go is truly the only person in the entire world I am totally myself with. I don’t feel the need to explain my actions to her. I don’t clarify, I don’t doubt, I don’t worry. I don’t tell her everything, not anymore, but I tell her more than I tell anyone else, by far.”
“Life was not a valuable gift, but death was. [...] Death was man’s best friend; when man could endure life no longer, death came and set him free.”
“He thinks about how Sonja would have taken it if she’d found out. If she’d known that her best friend had not asked for her help because Sonja had ‘enough problems.’ She would have been heartbroken.”
“Both boys felt a shadow bulk the drive between houses, both flung up their windows, both poked their heads out, both dropped their jaws in surprise at this friendly, this always exquisite timing, this delightful pantomime of intuition, of apprehension, their tandem teamwork over the years.”
“You wouldn’t let me come alone. You’re always going to be around, aren’t you, Will? To protect me?”
“As pathetic as it sounds, Marley had become my male-bonding soul mate, my near-constant companion, my friend. He was the undisciplined, recalcitrant, nonconformist, politically incorrect free spirit I had always wanted to be, had I been brave enough, and I took vicarious joy in his unbridled verve. No matter how complicated life became, he reminded me of its simple joys. No matter how many demands were placed on me, he never let me forget that willful disobedience is sometimes worth the price. In a world full of bosses, he was his own master.”
“It costs nothing to ask wise advice from a good friend.”
“I think Rowdy might be the most important person in my life. Maybe more important than my family. Can your best friend be more important than your family?”
“Sometimes he would be proudly bearing my stick, which I had left by a tree when I had stopped to tie my laces or adjust my pack.”
“I remembered something my friend Jo likes to say whenever any of her friends are criticizing themselves. ‘Hey. That’s my best friend you’re talking about like that.‘”
“Humiliated best friend always takes precedence over cute guy.”
“Best friends always think you deserve the best guy even if the best guy barely knows you exist.”
“Best friends can also be full of surprises.”
“In life, there are only four kinds of girls: The girl who played with fire. The girl who opened Pandora’s Box. The girl who gave Adam the apple. And the girl whose best friend stole her boyfriend.”
″ I might be your best friend, and you don’t even know it.”
“One by one his links to life snap, Leo blue his best friend is now one of those leading the manhunt against him, the betrayal of the Olmech family, the death of his parents and Elisha........., his last link, the last thread, his saviour and friend time and again........SNAP!”
Ed Kennedy is an underage cabdriver without much of a future. He’s pathetic at playing cards, hopelessly in love with his best friend, Audrey, and utterly devoted to his coffee-drinking dog, the Doorman.
“Clarice and her utterly best friend, Betty Moody, are planning to ace their book project about Ruby and win the class prize, until Betty disappears into thin air, and horrible teacher Mrs. Wilberton teams Clarice up with the naughtiest boy in school.”
“Frog said, ‘I wrote, ‘Dear Toad, I am glad that you are my best friend. Your best friend, Frog.’ ”
“I can be your best friend. I’d like that.”
“Star always did stuff, cleaned her up and looked after her when she was really bad. I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know how to do anything without Star. She’s not just like my sister. She’s like my mum too. And my best friend. And now she’s walked out on me and I haven’t got anyone.”
“As it happened, Jemima’s best friend in the whole world was called Jane. The good news was that she lived a number twenty-six Lime Street. The bad news was that her family were moving house. When the day came, Jemima and Jane were in floods of tears.”
“Frog pushed a coat down over the top of Toad. Frog pulled snowpants up over the bottom of Toad. He put a hat and scarf on Toad’s head. ‘Help!’ cried Toad. ‘My best friend is trying to kill me!’ ‘I’m only getting you ready for winter,’ said Frog. ”
“Simon’s my best friend, and sometime in the next year or two years, he’s going to die.”
“Perhaps he would ask me what books mean to me. I would tell him that it means living another life; that I am in love with both my lost best friend and my boyfriend and I need to believe in another life.”
“He’s my best friend”
“Toothless? Hey, it’s me, bud. It’s me. It’s me, I’m right here, bud. Come back to me. It wasn’t your fault, bud. They… made you do it. You’d never hurt him. You’d never hurt me! Please, you.. are my best friend, bud… My best friend.”
“To be someone’s best friend requires a minimum investment of time. More than that, though, it takes emotional energy. Caring about someone deeply is exhausting.”
“My best friend is... well I’ve had lots and lots, but Louise has gone off with Justine and now I haven’t got anyone just at the moment.”
Oh my! Tom tries so hard to apologize and to coax his best friend to come play with him once more, but alas, poor Tom just lays on his bed crying and crying his heart out.
A young boy named Darren Shan and his best friend, Steve, get tickets to the Cirque Du Freak, a wonderfully gothic freak show featuring weird, frightening half human/half animals who interact terrifyingly with the audience.
“Priscilla Lapham. Ever since Rab had taken her home and left Johnny to eat six fried eggs by himself, he had felt differently about Cilla. She had been his best friend during the years he worked at the Laphams’. And then for some months she had been a drag on him. He had not bothered much with her. Overnight that had changed. He was always looking forward to Thursdays and the seed cakes and the half-hour sitting out under the fruit trees with Cilla.”
“Not only that, even though he is small and looks girlish Johnny knows just how to deal with anybody, however clever or though. Before long, Johnny is Chris’s best friend, even thought he’s full of mysteries.”
“Alexander lived in a block of flats in the big city. Even though he was not allowed to have a real pet, he had Felix, a toy dog. Felix was Alexander’s best friend and always laughed at Alexander’s jokes.”
“Of course, Darbishire was his best friend, and best friends are different. It would hardly be fair, he decided, to let a decent chap like old Darbi snooze away the precious minutes of a red-letter day like this.”
“Little Blue has many friends but his best friend is Little Yellow”
“It follows Tyke and best friend Danny Price in their last term at school. Danny suffers from a speech impediment which means Tyke has to interpret for him.”
“Train compartments are odd affairs to begin with. Complete strangers find themselves together here and after a few hours know each other so well, it’s as if they’ve been best friends for years.”
“It is up to Nicholas, with the help of his best friend and the girl he is to marry, to figure out what is wrong and to set things right for Nicholas’s father and his wool trade.”
“The statue becomes Marcelino’s best friend and confidant and begins to give him religious instruction. For his part, Marcelino realizes that the statue is Christ.
“And so, she decides to convince her best friend to take one more vacation together—lay everything on the table, make it all right. Miraculously, he agrees.”

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