
to kill Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about to kill
“I’m going to kill you if it’s the last thing I do on earth.′ Something made him glance upwards. Five Fokker triplanes were coming down on him like bolts from the blue.”
“It’s a trick! It’s a trick! There’s an invasion and it must be after our dragon. Kill it! Kill it!”
“Here I saw, with my own eyes, that laughter was the most terrible weapon: you can kill anything with laughter - even murder itself.”
“But what does it matter which? If one of your parents killed the other, would it really matter to the mother of the boy you were going to marry, which way round it was?”
“I was really thinking of killing him, wiping him off the earth, and it was then I realized for the first time that if it was necessary to kill them, then I would kill them, and something at the same time said: you cannot be utterly right.”
“Does Pop know Officer Moore gets paid for not working? For killing me? I want to kick something, scream, break down. But what’s the use?”
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