“Here they come!′ The words were sufficient to cause all further pretence to be abandoned; officers and men together were on their feet peering with hand-shaded eyes towards the setting sun came..”
“Biggles and his fellow pilots now have to contend with the enemy using their own British aircraft, a Sopwith Camel, to lure the British pilots to their deaths...
“From the dim depths of the hangar half a dozen tousled-headed ack-emmas watched their officers furtively as they pretended to work on a war-scarred Camel.”
“I’m going to kill you if it’s the last thing I do on earth.′ Something made him glance upwards. Five Fokker triplanes were coming down on him like bolts from the blue.”
“The pink hue of dawn had turned to turquoise when Mahoney turned for home at the end of the dawn patrol. One machine of his Flight was lagging back, and for the hundredth time he turned and waved for it to close up, smiling as he did so.”