
Wendy Orr Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Wendy Orr
“The other thing Bear liked almost more than anything else in the world was bossing sheep and making them go where he wanted.”
“But what Hannah liked more than anything was dogs_ and what she wanted, more than absolutely anything else in the world, was a dog of her own.”
“Logan has been to the city before, but it had never been as far as it was today. The car had never been so hot, and Bear had never raced back and forth across the back seat so much.”
“What Bear liked, almost more than anything else in the world, was riding in the back of the pickup truck. He licked racing from side to side to see everything going past, sniffing the wind as it flapped his jowls and ruffled his fur...”
“At the Rainbow Street Shelter, Logan and Hannah find a talking parrot, an old black Labrador, a three-legged goat, a puppy that looks like a peanut—and a surprise that just might be the best thing in the world.”
“But now Logan’s mother and father had sold the farm. His dad and Bear were going to work on a big ranch in the mountains, and Logan and his mom were moving to the city.”
“His dad didn’t tell him off for shouting. He pulled Logan close and hugged him. ‘Not as much as I’ll miss you,’ he said. “But maybe you’re right. Maybe Bear should go with you.”
“He’ll miss all the things he’s leaving behind, but at least he has Bear. He loves Bear more than anything else in the world—because Bear is his dog.
“Hannah lives in the city. What she wants, more than anything else in the world, is a dog of her own.”
“Logan liked bouncing over the bumps, singing into the wind as it ruffled his hair, and watching Bear race from side to side.”
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