
Amari Soul Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from Amari Soul
″ He may have hurt you, but he will never broke you. He doesn’t have that power.”
“I want to enjoy the mystery of not knowing you. Take in every exciting opportunity to learn you. Then, fall in love with the anticipation of one day truly understanding you, so that I can become totally obsessed with the beauty of doing all the things that make you smile.”
“Making a good woman feel secure in the relationship has nothing to do with how much money you spend ON HER, but rather how much quality time you are willing to spend with her.”
“A good women isn’t asking for perfection from her man, she’s asking for consistency. ”
“In your relationship, never settle for less than what you deserve. At the same time, never think you deserve more out of a relationship than you are willing to put into it.”
“Any man who makes you feel as if you have to change who you are, as a person, to be with him, is a man that will leave you as soon as he meets the woman he’s trying to make you out to be.”
“The right man for you won’t see proving his love for you as a burden. For him ... it’s an honor.”
“When a man complains of your standards being too high, it is usually because he’s used to dealing with women who have none.”
“Does a woman’s broken heart ever truly heal or do you simply become stronger and find better ways to conceal the pain? You see, I might not know your name, but you can’t fool me with the lines, telling me you don’t care about him anymore, but I can see it in your eyes that he hurt you. Don’t be ashamed of the pain: embrace it. Don’t turn your back on the pain: face it. Let it all out and release it to the wind and when you’ve gotten it all out, there will be just enough room in your heart for you to finally love again.”
″ When a strong women finally gives up, it is not because she is weak, or because she no longer loves her man. To put it in the simplest terms-- she is tired. She’s tired of the games... She’s tired of the sleepless nights.. she’s tired of feeling like she’s all alone and the only one trying... she’s tired. ”
″ A good woman’s love is powerful. Some of you have a good woman’s and will never experience the true power of her love because your inconsistencies prevent her from being able to fully love you the way she wants to. ”
“The wrong man will always make excuses. The right man will make plans, commit, and follow through.”
″ She is not ‘nagging,’ she’s trying to tell you something; the only reason she is being so persistent is because she cares. When she stops ‘nagging’ as you call it, you should be worried because at that point... she no longer cares.”
″ A man that can’t answer your questions when you ask, without getting defensive, is often a man who is keeping more than just the answer from you.”
″ You could be doing everything right; working, cooking, cleaning, great sex...everything. But if it’s for the wrong man, that still won’t be enough to keep him.”
″ To be single and feel lonely is understandable, but to be in a relationship and feel lonely.. that’s unacceptable. ”
″ The reality is that sometimes, it takes more strength to let go than it does to keep holding on.”
″ One of the most disappointing things that you, as a woman, could ever go through is falling in love with a man that can’t love you and respect you because he hasn’t learned to love and respect himself yet.”
“When he texts you, he’s thinking about you. When he calls you, he misses you. When he shows up, he wants you. When he suddenly stops doing all of the above for you, he’s doing it for someone else.”
“The most important impression a man can make on you is not the first impression, but rather a lasting impression which comes from consistency over time.”
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