
being tired Quotes

68 of the best book quotes about being tired
“His mind tired--tired with nothing, tired with everything, with the world’s weight he had never chosen to bear.”
“Nothing ever fatigues me, but doing what I do not like.”
“She was so tired of being strong.”
“I’m gettin’ tired way past where sleep rests me.”
“But when weariness finally forced him to be silent, he was no longer of use to his tormentors, and they sought amusement elsewhere.”
“Then I uprose, showing myself provided Better with breath than I did feel myself, And said: ‘Go on, for I am strong and bold.‘”
″‘No, I declare, the largest egg lies there still. I wonder how long this is to last, I am quite tired of it;’ and she seated herself again on the nest.”
When Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened,” He assumed we would grow weary, discouraged, and disheartened along the way.
“This is a fine place to keep a youngster of quiet tastes. With all this yelling and howling, I haven’t been able to get a wink of sleep. I asked for something to eat . . . and they brought me a bottle of milk!”
“I’m rightly tired of the pain I hear and feel, boss. I’m tired of bein on the road, lonely as a robin in the rain. Not never havin no buddy to go on with or tell me where we’s comin from or goin to or why. I’m tired of people bein ugly to each other. It feels like pieces of glass in my head. I’m tired of all the times I’ve wanted to help and couldn’t. I’m tired of bein in the dark. Mostly it’s the pain. There’s too much. If I could end it, I would. But I can’t.”
“She called her dad instead. He sounded tired, but he wasn’t trying to replace the stairs with a water slide, so that was an improvement.”
“Sometimes, oh God, the Green Mile is so long.”
“Seek and see all the marvels around you. You will get tired of looking at yourself alone, and that fatigue will make you deaf and blind to everything else. - Don Juan”
“Low down and near the horizon hung a great, red sun, far bigger than our sun. Digory felt at once that it was also older than ours: a sun near the end of its life, weary of looking down upon that world. To the left of the sun, and higher up, there was a single star, big and bright. Those were the only two things to be seen in the dark sky; they made a dismal group.”
“Many, my children, are the tears I’ve wept, And threaded many a maze of weary thought.”
“I look in the mirror and see this medium average person. A little tired, a little sad, but not falling apart.”
“I don’t know who hired you or what they told you about the job, but it starts to wear on you. It’s not all changing bedsheets and cleaning plates. You have to look without seeing, hear without listening. We’re objects up there, living statues meant to serve….Especially now, with this Scarlet Guard business. It’s never a good time to be a Red, but this is very bad.”
“I’m just tired of everything... even of the echoes. There is nothing in my life but echoes... echoes of lost hopes and dreams and joys. They’re beautiful and mocking.”
″ When a strong women finally gives up, it is not because she is weak, or because she no longer loves her man. To put it in the simplest terms-- she is tired. She’s tired of the games... She’s tired of the sleepless nights.. she’s tired of feeling like she’s all alone and the only one trying... she’s tired. ”
“Others are as tired of themselves as you are. Let each one learn to bore himself.”
“The path ran up a hill. ‘Seem like there is chains about my feet time, I get this far,’ she said, in a voice of argument old people keep to use with themselves. ‘Something always take a hold of me on this hill—pleads I should stay.‘”
“At last, Peter Rabbit made his way back to the cozy burrow where he lived with his family. He was a very tired rabbit indeed!”
“When he’s done, he’ll probably want to take a nap.”
″ But the Rusty Old Engine sighed: ‘I am so tired. I must rest my weary wheels. I cannot pull even so little a train as yours over the mountain. I can not. I can not. I can not.’ ”
“The festivities are over, night has fallen, the stars have risen in the sky. King Babar and Queen Celeste are indeed very happy. Now the world is asleep. The guests have gone home, happy, though tired from too much dancing. They will long remember this great celebration.”
“That’s very far, thought Little Nutbrown Hare. He was almost too sleepy to think anymore.”
“Smiling and yawning at the same time, Marc took his moms hands and whispered, ‘I’ll tell you later, I’m much too tired now...’ ”
“Bridget’s room is too quiet, and she is tired of it. She wants a brother or a sister, a small, thin one that will fit in her doll’s bed. Or also a big brother who plays loud and noisy music. ”
“Some of you chaps should go home and take naps.”
“Marc wanted to stay awake. Really, he did. But he couldn’t. He just couldn’t stay awake.”
“He suddenly felt tired and didn’t want to play anymore.”
“One night Elmer couldn’t sleep for thinking, and the think that he was thinking was that he was tired of being different.”
“They had been tramping for many days in search of it. They were very tired. Some had almost given up hope. Then, one afternoon, they had topped a rise and looked down. There below them, nestled between a towering mountain ahead and the hill on which they stood was a green, secret valley. Th people stared, speechless. They saw trees loaded with small blue fruits and field of flower they did not recognize.”
“Annie Rose was hungry as well as tired. She began to cry. Then Alfie began to cry too. He didn’t like being all by himself on the wrong side of the door.”
“Sometimes my mama is laughing when she comes home from work. Sometimes she’s so tired she falls asleep while I count the money into piles.”
“A last the storm disappeared over the horizon. The tired horses slowed and then stopped and rested. Stars came out and the moon shone over hills the girl had never seen before. She knew they were lost.”
“Her mother went back to her picking, but Little Sal, because her feet were tired of standing and walking, sat down in the middle of a large clump of bushes and ate blueberries.”
“Because his feet were tired of hustling, he picked out a large clump of bushes and sat down right in the middle and ate blueberries.”
“But that is all right, because there is always something just as exciting to try next. As winter arrives, the bear goes home to his cave, tired after his adventures. The Bear Went Over the Mountain teaches children about the five senses and the four seasons, all through a timeless song.”
‘That’s right,’ said Dad. ‘And then, tired after its long journey, it will see down below the long blue ribbon of the river, it will see the small gold and emerald jewel of the island; it will see the little brown house built of baked mud.”
“Oh, I’m so tired, so tired of it all, of myself, of lying and thinking up lies, and not knowing what is a lie and what is the truth.”
“Frances told her teddy bear to watch. They took turns for a while. Then Frances got tired of it and let Teddy do all the watching.”
“There were so many giants and tigers and scary and exciting things before, that I am pretty tired now. That is just a moth, and he is only doing his job, the same as the wind. His job is bumping and thumping and my job is to sleep.”
“Thomas used to grumble in the shed at night. ‘I’m tired of pushing coaches. I want to see the world.’ The others didn’t take much notice, for Thomas was a little engine who talked big,”
“You don’t find lions in closets very often. Good night, sleep tight, and don’t call me anymore because now I’m quite tired.”
″ So tired that he has fallen asleep on the floor right after pulling Teddy out from under the couch.”
“Now daddy has read a story, gotten the toothbrush, brought a drink, changed the sheet on the bed, cleaned up the water, brought the potty, looked for a lion, found teddy, and gotten very tired.”
″‘Gruffydd Rwfyn oir, ofn... Mi fuaswn yn hoffi aros. Peidiwch a gwneud i mi fynd. Peidiwch as gwelwch yn dda.’ The tape clicked off. There’s more. I recorded it last night while she was asleep, and managed to find someone to translate it. She says she’s tired and cold and she doesn’t want to go. She’s pleading with someone named Gruffydd to let her stay...”
“For old Mrs. Earth was fast asleep; and, like many pretty people, she looked still prettier asleep than awake. The great elm trees in their gold-green meadows were fast asleep above, and the cows fast asleep beneath them; nay, the few clouds which were about were fast asleep likewise, and so tired that they had lain down on the earth to rest, in long white flakes and bars, among the stems of the elm trees, and along the tops of the alders by the stream, waiting for the sun to bid them rise and go about their days business in the clear blue overhead.”
“The hour was late. Mr. Bear was tired, Mrs. Bear was tired and Baby Bear was tired...”
“It was cold in the car and uncomfortable, but Mr. Bear was so tired that he didn’t notice.”
“But his eyes grew tired, and more and more tired. His eyelids grew so heavy that they would keep tumbling down over his eyes. He kept lifting them and lifting them. But everytime, they were heavier than the last. It was no use! They were too much for him. Sometimes before he got them halfway up, down they went again. At length, he gave it up quite, and the moment he gave it up, he was fast asleep!”
″ ‘Merriest, merriest, merriest,’ murmured Diamond as he sank deeper and deeper in sleep. ‘That is what the song of the river is telling me. Even I can be merry and cheerful - and that will help some. And so I will - when - I - wake - up - again.’ And he went off sound asleep.”
“Once I knew a little girl, Who wouldn’t go to bed, And in the morning always had A very sleepy head. At night she’d stop up on the stairs, And hold the railings tight Then with a puff she’d try to blow Out Mary Ann’s rushlight. The bed at last they tuck’d her in. The light she vowed to keep; Left in the dark she roar’d and cried; Till tired she went to sleep.”
“When life is so tiresome, there ain’t no peace like the greatest peace—the peace of the Lord’s hand holding you.”
“Every night when it’s time to go to bed Nanny yawns out loud and says she is tired tired tired I make as much noise as I possibly can by turning on the phonograph real loud and hollering a lot”
“Oh, they were so tired of their lives. To die like this was better than to live as they had been doing, going nowhere but where Owl led them, always in darkness, scraping their feet raw for a few grains.”
“They ran through a tunnel. They chased little orange. They climbed a mountain. When they were tired they went home.”
“He felt tired and hungry too, so without stopping on the way he ran back home.”
“The situation was desperate, but with each narrow escape I was getting more and more weary of the whole business. I just wanted this wild adventure to end, even if it ended in capture.”
“But by degrees, as she got more and more tired from crying, other thoughts drifted through her mind. Had she been rude? Had she been showing off? Inside she knew that she had, and she was ashamed, and though she was quite alone she turned red.”
“it ‘s all quiet now. But the little bear is not tired. And when little bears are not tired, they scrambled quietly out of their beds and build themselves a staircase....”
“Among the boulders piled up high there is no sign of Little My. They searched and search but find no trace. The bitter wind whips Mymble’s face. Moomintroll feels extremely glum. He wants his home, his bed, his mum. Where is the warm and sunny day?”
“Please go away. No up for me. I’m sleeping in today.”
“They’d been too tired to keep sharpening the edges of their hurt feeling.”
“Tired from their search, the mallards land at the Public Garden Lagoon to spend the night. In the morning, a swan boat passes by the mallards.”
“But a man-thing in their hands is in no good luck. They grow tired of the nuts they pick, and throw them down. They carry a branch half a day, meaning to do great things with it, and then they snap it in two. That man-thing is not to be envied. They called me also—`yellow fish’ was it not?”
Source: Chapter 3, Paragraph 88
“I hope it is not about myself. I am tired of myself to-night. I should like to be somebody else.”
Source: Chapter 13, Paragraph 14

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