
falling apart Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes about falling apart
″... the pieces all fit together. Yet everything was falling apart.”
“I look in the mirror and see this medium average person. A little tired, a little sad, but not falling apart.”
“Our worry will steal our peace, and when peace is missing, we find ourselves drowning in anxiety and crumbling under the weight of life’s pressures.”
“Thing were falling apart. We just could not slow down. We were evolving into something greater, perhaps too much for our own good.”
“If that city, which he had seen, had not sunk into the sea again, then it would perhaps become as dilapidated as this one in a little while. Perhaps it could not have withstood time and decay, but would have stood there with roofless churches and bare houses and desolate, empty streets–just like this one. Then it was better that it should re- main in all its glory down in the deep.”
“But we didn’t really shatter until we were all back together again.”
“The house was before them, overgrown with honeysuckle, dark-windowed, looking abandoned. Off to the right, Dicey saw the lopsided barn. It had once been red, but the paint had weathered, faded and peeled, until it looked pink as a bad sunburn. The tin roof was rusted in large patches.”
″‘The minute people start cheating on laws, what do you think happens to society?’ A siren was going off in his head. ‘Reckon it’d fall all apart,’ said Hazel.”
“The white man has broken the tribe. And it is my belief—and again I ask your pardon—that it cannot be mended again. But the house that is broken, and the man that falls apart when the house is broken, these are the tragic things. That is why children break the law, and old white people are robbed and beaten.”
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