
Erwin Raphael McManus Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from Erwin Raphael McManus
“Greatness is not the absence of humility; it is the absence of apathy.”
“Wisdom is not the result of having learned enough; it comes when you know there is never enough learning.”
“Most people would rather live in the predictability of captivity than risk the uncertainty that comes in a fight for freedom.”
“If you find yourself living in a world where there is only cynicism, negativity, and distrust, you need to realize that it’s a world of your own making. There is a more beautiful world out there to be known, but you have to be able to see it. You have to want it. You must be willing to risk, to step outside of what you know, to live in a more extraordinary unknown.”
“Our worry will steal our peace, and when peace is missing, we find ourselves drowning in anxiety and crumbling under the weight of life’s pressures.”
“Yet while the warrior is informed by the past, they are not formed by it. The warrior is not formed by what has been done and what can’t be done; the heart of the warrior is formed by what must be done.
“The warrior knows that their imagination is not a place to escape but to create.”
“We will never know peace if we lose the present because we are trapped in the past and paralyzed by the future.”
“We have no control over the reality that in this world we will have trouble, but we have control over whether we decide to allow our hearts to be troubled.”
“The warrior does not wield a weapon; they are a weapon. Their strength does not come from the weapons they hold but from the wisdom that has taken hold of them.”
“Passion is the fuel of greatness, and love is the fuel of passion. When we love someone or something, we give them all of us. This is the elegant interconnection between servanthood and greatness. It is love that drives us to serve and love that drives us to greatness. This is why the two cannot be mutually exclusive. In the end, the one who serves is the one who is great, as they are the one who loves most profoundly.”
“The warrior knows that peace does not come from control but from relinquishing control. Everything in life that you try to control that is outside your control will steal from you your peace. You must choose to take hold of what you can control and let go of what you cannot. You cannot control your circumstances, but you can control your character. You cannot control the actions of others, but you can control the choices you make. You cannot control the outcome, but you can control the process.”
“Wisdom is the warrior’s greatest weapon. When you have wisdom, you are never unarmed, you are never defenseless, and you are never powerless. You need skill to know how to shoot an arrow straight, but only wisdom can teach you how to never need to shoot it.”
“I’d spent nearly sixty years trying to hide how competitive I was, and it didn’t work anyway, so why didn’t I just own it? I am competitive. I want to be the best. I want to pursue excellence every day of my life.”
“There will never be peace on earth until there is peace in us.”
“The warrior is always first a servant… The warrior does not serve because they cannot lead; they know that a person cannot lead if they do not serve.”
“The fool lives to consume all they can take from the world. The wise live to create a better world.”
“You may not need to be great, but the world needs your greatness.”
“For too long we have allowed apathy to masquerade itself as humility. There is nothing humble about living apathetic lives. In the same way, we cannot live lives of passion without unlocking our greatness.”
“Whatever God has placed within you that could ever be described as great was never meant for you, anyway. It’s a stewardship that has been given to you. Greatness never belongs to the one who carries it; it belongs to the world that needs it.”

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