
Grandma Poss Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes from Grandma Poss
“She looked into this book and she looked into that. There was magic for thin and magic for fat, and magic for tall and magic for small, but the magic she was looking for wasn’t there at all.”
“The next morning, just before breakfast, she shouted, ″It’s something to do with food! People food - not possum food. But I can’t remember what. We’ll just have to try and find it.′ ”
“From that time onwards, Hush was visible. But once a year, on her birthday, she and Grandma Poss ate a Vegemite sandwich, a piece of pavlova and half a lamington, just to make sure that Hush stayed visible forever. And she did.”
“Because she couldn’t be seen she was safe from snakes, which is why Grandma Poss had made her invisible in the first place.”
“Grandma Poss made bush magic. She made wombats blue and kookaburras pink. She made dingoes smile and emus shrink. But the best magic of all was the magic that made Hush INVISIBLE.”
“Grandma Poss looked miserable. ‘Don’t worry, Grandma,’ said Hush. ‘I don’t mind.’ But in her heart of hearts she did.”
“They ate Anzac biscuits in Adelaide, mornay and Minties in Melbourne, steak and salad in Sydney and pumpkin scones in Brisbane. Hush remained invisible.”
“Hush breathed deeply and began to eat. ‘A tail! A tail!’ shouted both possums at once. For there it was. A brand new, visible tail!”
“Grandma Poss held her breath - and waited. ‘It’s worked! It’s worked!’ she cried. And she was right. Hush could be seen from head to tail. Grandma Poss hugged Hush, and they both danced ‘Here We Go Round Lamington Plate’ till early in the morning.”
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