
How to Train Your Dragon Quotes

14 of the best book quotes from How to Train Your Dragon
“Twelve days north of Hopeless and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death”
“Thank you for nothing, you stupid reptile.”
“Wartihog put up his hand. “What happens if we can’t read, sir?” “No boasting, Wartihog!” boomed Gobber. “Get some idiot to read it for you.”
“I was not a natural. . . . This is the story of becoming . . . the Hard Way.”
“Being frightened is not the same as being a coward.”
“There were dragons when I was a boy.”
“Toothless? Hey, it’s me, bud. It’s me. It’s me, I’m right here, bud. Come back to me. It wasn’t your fault, bud. They… made you do it. You’d never hurt him. You’d never hurt me! Please, you.. are my best friend, bud… My best friend.”
“It is a lot easier to be brave when you know you have no alternative.”
“There may yet come a time when Heroes are needed once more. There may yet come a time when the dragons will come back.”
“February turned into March and Hiccup was still thinking. A few flowers made the mistake of appearing and were immediately blasted out of existence by a couple of hard frosts that had kept themselves back for this very purpose.”
“The thing is, we are all, in a sense, supper. Walking, talking, breathing suppers, that’s what we are. Take you, for instance. YOU are about to be eaten by ME, so that makes you supper. That’s obvious. But even a murderous carnivore like myself will be supper for worms one day. We’re all snatching precious moments from the peaceful jaws of time.”
“Let us in, let us in,′ shrieked the wind. ‘We’re very, very hungry.”
“You can’t put’: Hiccup in charge, sir, he’s USELESS.”
“What you’re searching for isn’t out there, hiccup. It’s in here.”
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