
I Am That Girl Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from I Am That Girl
“You are so much more valuable to everyone around you and to the world if you begin every day knowing exactly who you are and try to be the best, brightest version of yourself.”
″ I know what it’s like to spend an entire lifetime trying to pretend that I’m okay, that I’m “fine.” I know what it’s like to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, convincing people that I have it all together. I know how exhausting it is and how many nights I cried alone in my bed, too tired to carry the burden anymore. What I do know is the freedom when I decided that I wasn’t going to pretend anymore.”
“When you’re feeling overwhelmed or your body is giving you signs that you’re overdoing it,: stop,breathe, and remember one thing: everything can wait. Fall in love with you. Love, support, validate, and nourish a relationship with yourself.”
“So instead of trying to fit a mold- size, color, boyfriend or career path- find out who you are and what is your true voice in this world. There is no point in trying to become something you are not. There is a reason for you being who you are, and it is your job to find out what that is, because no one, and I mean no one on the planet, can be a better version of you than you can.. And if they don’t like what they see, they can simply look away.”
“People will judge you and your dreams. They’ll tell you you’re crazy and try to convince you that mediocrity is the smarter choice and that’s because it’s easier if you buy into the same lie they have, that no one person can really make a difference and that life is about ‘growing up’ instead of working toward your personally authored, happily ever after.”
″ When you put your needs last, you’re like a plant without water that’s worried about providing enough shade for others. But if that plant doesn’t have enough water to grow, it will shrivel up and die providing no shade or comfort for others anyway.
““I am tired of feeling inadequate, imperfect, desperate for approval, and chronically insecure. I’m exhausted from feeling like I’m always falling behind in some invisible race against the clock, against other women and even against myself. It is a race I don’t remember beginning, but one that I’ve decided to stop running. I decided, instead, to learn how to be who I am and to understand that that itself is more than enough, it’s extraordinary.”
“Living a ‘perfect’ life is like watching television in black and white; you take out all of the color. We need the adventure, all of the highs and lows, the unexpected heartbreaks, the ecstasy, the challenges, and the sweet, smooth sailing. Life isn’t about picking out the parts you like and leaving the rest, it’s learning to coexist with it all and choosing to see the beauty, the grace, and the hilarity while also experiencing the inevitable disappointment and failure.”
“If you don’t believe in yourself enough to take a risk, than no one is going to either.”
“Clues to your passion are always around you. The sequence of events that led me to that stage began when I least expected it, but I was on the lookout for something more, something meaningful in my ilife. And even then I had to battle my natural instincts to experience it. You’ll only find your passion if you search and fight to discover it.”
“Don’t be afraid to try new things– it is only important that you do something that fuels you. Discovering how you can you contribute to the world in a unique way makes you feel useful, inspired, and alive. It doesn’t have to come in some pretty package or make sense to anyone else, just you.”
“It is impossible to live at the brink of your greatness if you do not take time to discover it.”
“Can you imagine what the world would look like with an entire army of girls who truly love themselves, and each other?”
“Your time is important, your energy is finite, and your attention is precious, so value who and where you spend it accordingly. You are the only one who can set those kinds of expectations and teach people how to treat you. Be selfish, and I promise everyone will benefit.”
“You attract what you are. Stop making excuses, raise the standards for yourself, and watch the caliber of people you begin to attract rise right along with you.”
“Are you surrounding yourself with negative influences or compassionate, creative, kind, challenging, humble, and socially conscious individuals?”
“You have this one, precious life and you alone dictate the colorful resplendence of your mural. You decide the spectacular spectrum of shades and brush strokes you’ll use to illustrate your story. And while I can’t fathom what life has in store for any of us, I do know that life is not too short, but rather, far too long for you to waste another day not seeking out every adventure calling your name.”
“I remembered something my friend Jo likes to say whenever any of her friends are criticizing themselves. ‘Hey. That’s my best friend you’re talking about like that.‘”
“There is nothing more beautiful than a confident women who knows what she wants. There is nothing like a woman driven by passion, selfish in that she takes good care of herself, and believes she is worth it.”
“The true character of a person is not seen in their everyday routine or even in their greatest accolades; the true test of a person’s character is witnessing the immediate steps after one of their greatest mistakes.‘”

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