
taking risks Quotes

28 of the best book quotes about taking risks
“Maybe one day whites and blacks can be real friends, but right now the country ain’t built that way . . . The trouble is, down here in Mississippi, it costs too much to find out . . . So I think you’d better not try.”
“Wholehearted intimacy can develop only where two people are equally forthcoming and self-revelatory. To take the risk of loving, we must become vulnerable enough to test the radical proposition that knowledge of another and self-revelation will ultimately increase rather than decrease love. It is an awe-ful risk.”
“If you don’t believe in yourself enough to take a risk, than no one is going to either.”
“I know now that I don’t want to love or be loved in half measures. I want it all, and to have it all, you have to risk it all.”
“Love always requires courage and involves risk.”
“The universe, I’d learned, was never, ever kidding. It would take whatever it wanted and it would never give it back.”
“The tools we used in Mercury were primitive, but the dedication of highly trained people offset the limitations of the equipment available to us in these early days and kept the very real risks under control. But at a price; this was high-sweat, high-risk activity, demanding a degree of coordination between the ground and the capsule exceeding what I had experienced even in the testing of experimental aircraft.”
“High-risk leadership beckons many, but few accept the call.”
“We fought and won the race in space and listened to the cries of the Apollo 1 crew. With great resolve and personal anger, we picked up the pieces, pounded them together, and went on the attack again. We were the ones in the trenches of space and with only the tools of leadership, trust, and teamwork, we contained the risks and made the conquest of space possible.”
“Most people would rather live in the predictability of captivity than risk the uncertainty that comes in a fight for freedom.”
“If you find yourself living in a world where there is only cynicism, negativity, and distrust, you need to realize that it’s a world of your own making. There is a more beautiful world out there to be known, but you have to be able to see it. You have to want it. You must be willing to risk, to step outside of what you know, to live in a more extraordinary unknown.”
“To take offense is to give offense.”
“The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.”
“I could not visit the prison daily. I was sure to be caught and punished. But I had to visit the prison daily. Curzon’s life depended on it.”
“Who can listen to a story of loneliness and despair without taking the risk of experiencing similar pains in his own heart and even losing his precious peace of mind?”
“Who can save a child from a burning house without taking the risk of being hurt by the flames?”
“Living my life without limits requires that I take confident risks.”
“Shallow water feels so much safer. We can both see and touch the bottom. But this apparent security also imposes limitations. Just as in Simon Peter’s case, we have to learn that the deeper water holds the fish!”
“Maybe I consistently hesitated to risk letting the thing we had together deteriorate into a romance.”
“Living with fear stops us taking risks, and if you don’t go out on the branch, you’re never going to get the best fruit.”
“Better to put your heart on the line, risk everything, and walk away with nothing than play it safe. Love is a lot of things, but ‘safe’ isn’t one of them.”
“To allow yourself to play with another person is no small risk. It means allowing yourself to be open, to be exposed, to be hurt.”
“Embracing uncertainty empowers you to take risks. The beauty of uncertainty, I’ve found, is infinite possibility.”
Pat and his friend John both know the risks they are running in taking a boat across the Channel in the spring of 1940. But they also know they have to do something to help the British soldiers stranded in Dunkirk.
“Marilla Cuthbert, you’re fairly in for it. Did you ever suppose you’d see the day when you’d be adopting an orphan girl? It’s surprising enough; but not so surprising as that Matthew should be at the bottom of it, him that always seemed to have such a mortal dread of little girls. Anyhow, we’ve decided on the experiment and goodness only knows what will come of it.”
Source: Chapter 6, Line 38
“Do you suppose that the real savant addresses himself stupidly to the mere individual? By no means. Science loves eccentricities, leaps and bounds, trials of strength, fancies, if I may be allowed so to term them.”
Source: Chapter 52, Paragraph 104
“Choose your bridge, Mr. Pip,” returned Wemmick, “and take a walk upon your bridge, and pitch your money into the Thames over the centre arch of your bridge, and you know the end of it. Serve a friend with it, and you may know the end of it too,—but it’s a less pleasant and profitable end.”
Source: Chapter 36, Paragraph 62
“I am braver than I was, because I have lost all; and he who has nothing to lose can afford all risks.”
Source: Chapter 28, Paragraph 114

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