
independent Quotes

10 of the best book quotes about independent
“I truly believe that the death of my mother has made me the way I am today. I am a survivor, mentally strong, determined, strong-willed, self-reliant, and independent.”
″‘You don’t have to understand it,’ she said. ‘It’s mine.’”
“I’m just gonna go ahead and nip this thing in the bud. Cuz you know, they say pregnancy often leads to, you know... an infant.”
“That building, for example, do I like it or not? Is that in my opinion a good book or a bad? Indeed my aunt’s legacy unveiled the sky to me, and substituted for the large and imposing figure of a gentleman, which Milton recommended for my perpetual adoration, a view of the open sky.”
“‘No. I can survive well enough on my own - if given proper reading material.’”
“I have no ... authority to be speaking up like a seer ... We’ve had enough seers in this family. ”
“And so I became the man that could wriggle out of any prior engagement. Who could spot an invitation coming a mile away and head it off at the pass (...). The man who’d send an email instead of attend a birthday.”
“Things wabi-sabi have no need for the reassurance of status or the validation of market culture. They have no need for documentation of provenance.”
“Outside, she was composed, independent, not very much liked. The girls at school said she was a weirdie, and there was no doubt she was an outsider.”
“The fiercely independent Arnold did not need the encouragement of Loyalists: he may have thought of changing sides as early as the seniority controversy two years earlier”
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