
Johann David Wyss Quotes

26 of the best book quotes from Johann David Wyss
“This was one of those happy days that God grants us sometimes on earth, to give us an idea of the bliss of heaven.”
“A noble mind finds its purest joy in the accomplishment of its duty, and to that willingly sacrifices its inclination.”
“Patience and Reason are the two fairies, by whose potent help hope to get our boat afloat.”
“I then told them that God, to compensate for the weakness of man, had bestowed on him reason, invention, and skill in workmanship.”
“Their greatest danger was in the disbelief of their teachers. Though every one had a copy of the law, few read it; all were ready, by some excuse, to avoid this duty. Some asserted they knew it, yet never thought on it: some called these the laws of past times; not of the present. Other said the Great King did not regard the actions of his subjects, that he had neither mines nor dungeons, and that all would certainly be taken to the Heavenly City.”
“You know God helps those that help themselves.”
″‘It is exactly like a fairy tale,’ said Earnest; ‘I had only to speak, and my wish was accomplished.‘”
“It was my wish that our sons should cultivate a habit of bold independence, for I well knew that it might easily be the will of God to deprive them of their parents; when, without an enterprising spirit of self reliance, their position would be truly miserable.”
“I added to archery, racing, leaping, wrestling, and climbing trees, either by the trunks, or by a rope suspended from the branches, as sailors climb.”
“Who had very properly taught him equally to love and fear him.”
“Never take the life of any animal needlessly. A live monkey up in that tree is of more use to us than a dozen dead ones at our feet, as I will show you.”
“I had no idea,” he said, “that a few reeds would be so heavy.”
“We saw around us on every side traces of the Divine wisdom and beneficence; and our hearts overflowed with love and veneration for that Almighty hand which had so miraculously saved, and continued to protect us. I humbly trusted in Him, either to restore us to the world, or send some beings to join us in this beloved island, where for two years we had seen no trace of man.”
“I gathered a handful of small stones, and threw them up toward the apes. The stones did not go near them, but influenced by their instinctive mania for imitation, they instantly seized all the cocoanuts within their reach, and sent a perfect hail of them down upon us.”
″‘Never mind, my boy,’ I said, ‘patience and courage!‘”
“Do you not remember the story of Aesop and his bread-basket, how heavy he found it when he started, and how light at the end of his journey?”
“Think a little,” I replied, “you are quite as capable as I am of finding out the way, even if you do not know the real reason of your failure.”
″‘My dear boy,‘” said I, ‘you need not have added that to your load.‘”
“At length, when the excitement subsided a little, I was able to say a few words with a chance of being listened to. “I am truly thankful to see you all safe and well, and, thank God, our expedition has been very satisfactory.”
″‘There now!’ said I, laughing as he tasted this new luxury, ‘you will have to exercise moderation again, friend Fritz! I daresay it is delicious, but it will go to your head, if you venture deep into your flask.‘”
“I laughed so much at this ridiculous scene, that I could scarcely assist my terrified boy out of his awkward predicament.”
″‘Well,’ said I, ‘let the little orphan be yours. You bravely and kindly exerted yourself to save the mother’s life; now you must train her child carefully, for unless you do so its natural instinct will prove mischievous instead of useful to us.‘”
“What a jolly little fellow it is!”
“If it be the will of God,” said my wife, “to leave us alone on this solitary place, let us be content; and rejoice that we are all together in safety.”
“One after another our dear ones came running to the opposite bank, testifying in various ways their delight at our return, and hastening up on their side of the river, as we on ours, to the ford at which we had crossed in the morning. We were quickly on the other side, and, full of joy and affection, our happy party was once more united.”
“Now we want to hear all your adventures, and let us relieve you of your burdens.”
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