
making money Quotes

16 of the best book quotes about making money
“We do not believe that we ‘grow’ our lives - we believe that we ‘make’ them. Just listen to how we use the word in everyday speech: we make time, make friends, make meaning, make money, make a living, make love.”
They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves.
Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money.
“The more of wisdom we know, the more we may earn. That man who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded.”
“A part of all you earn is yours to keep. It should be not less than a tenth no matter how little you earn. It can be as much more as you can afford.”
“I smil’d to my self at the Sight of this Money, O Drug! Said I aloud, what art tho good for, Thou art not worth to me, no not the taking off of the Ground, one of those Knives is wroth all this Heap, I have no Manner of use for thee, e’en remain where thou art, and go the Bottom as a Creature whose Life is not worth saving.”
“Any man of reasonable intelligence can make money if that’s what he wants. Mostly it’s women or clothes or admiration he really wants and they deflect him.”
“You can fool no more money out of me at this throw. If you will let your lady know I am here to speak with her, and bring her along with you, it may awake my bounty further.”
“I just think how much could have been done with twenty thousand dollars, you sound thoughtful, sensible, you know, reasonable, rational, someone you really want on your side. However, if you were to point out, But a young attending physician makes one hundred thousand dollars, not twenty, and that’s five times what it cost to try to save a boy’s life . . . Same world, same numbers, same figures, same currency.”
“Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy.”
“When Uncle Stan rose in the morning, he somehow managed to wake the entire household. No one complained, as he was the breadwinner in the family, and in any case he was cheaper and more reliable than an alarm clock.”
″‘It’s yours,’ said Father. ‘You could buy a sucking pig with it, if you want to. You could raise it, and it would raise a litter of pigs, worth four, five dollars apiece. Or you can trade that half-dollar for lemonade, and drink it up. You do as you want, it’s your money.‘”
“Those nights, like the other nights, she was at work, or at dinner with a client, what she called ‘pulling her weight’ when she was being kind, and what she called ‘being your cash cow’ when she wasn’t.”
“I’ve done everything with my penny that everybody said, but you. And though I can’t buy a little baby duckling yet, I’ve got a penny saved towards it, in the bank.”
“She loves Emil more than anything, and she’s glad she can work and make money.”
“It examines such diverse and compelling subjects as: money and power, gender differences, morality and tax, the very rich, the poor, lottery and pools winners.”

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