
medicine Quotes

11 of the best book quotes about medicine
“Father needs some kind of book to read to people who are dying or in terrible pain. I don’t suppose you’ve written anything like that.”
“And then of course it dawned on him that he knew plenty of Americans—he was one himself—who held apparently contradictory beliefs, such as faith in both medicine and prayer.”
“Some people said that medicine addresses only the symptoms of poverty.”
“Giving people medicine for TB and not giving them food is like washing your hands and drying them in dirt.”
“Lacking any permanent satisfaction, we continuously need another injection of fuel, stimulation, reassurance from loved ones, medicine, exercise, and meditation. We are continually driven to become something more, to experience something else.”
″ ‘Time for your medicine, Papa!’ said the cubs, offering him a big spoonful of the gooey pink stuff that Dr. Grizzly prescribed for his cold.”
“You see, there are some kinds of medicine that you take after you get sick, and those are very useful. But this kind of shot is a special medicine that keeps you from getting sick.”
“The apothecary’s name was Owlglass. He hummed to himself as he worked in his back room. He’d found a new type of blue fluff, which he was grinding down. It was probably good for curing something. He’d have to try it out on people until he found out what.”
“Hari went to her and said, “Let me get the medicine for you. Let me hold the baby.” She looked at him in surprise, then shook her head, saying, “No, no—I can do that,” and he turned away, knowing he could not help her.”
“And when that guy finds out what you like you can bet it won’t be on your diet.”
“This gives strength to their teeth, it gives length to their hair...”
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