
normal life Quotes

12 of the best book quotes about normal life
“Angela’s easy human dramas were oddly reassuring. It was nice to know that life was normal somewhere.”
“If there’s one thing Sally is now certain of, it’s how you can amaze yourself by the things you’re willing to do. Those are her daughters, the girls she wanted to lead normal lives, and she’s allowing them to stand over a pile of bones with a spaghetti pot filled mostly with lye. What has happened to her?”
“A normal life within society would be impossible for someone like me.”
″ ‘Feeling hot, baby?’ the man like a knot asked Rahel kindly in Malayalam. Then, unkindly, ‘Ask your daddy to buy you an Air Condition!’ and he hooted with delight at his own wit and timing. Rahel smiled back at him, pleased to have Chacko mistaken for her father. Like a normal family.”
“I get glimpses of the horror of normalcy. Each of these innocents on the street is engulfed by a terror of their own ordinariness. They would do anything to be unique.”
Gemma Stone is convinced that it’s always unseemly to chuck a birkett and that it’s actually insane to chuck one in front of a complete stranger.
‘In a house far away, right at the end of a long dusty road deep in the bush at the back of Palm Beach, lived three sisters with their mother, their father, and sometimes their Uncle Paul. The three sisters were called Elizabeth, Frances and Matilda.’
“But I’ve heard them. ‘Oh yes, that Elsa. She’s one of the bed-and-breakfast children.’ Honestly, it sounds like I’ve got a duvet for a dress, cornflake curls, two fried-eggs eyes and a streaky-bacon smile.”
The Bed and Breakfast Star is a great book about a small girl, Elsa who lives with her mum, stepfather and her two step-siblings. She lives a normal life until one day they get homeless and are forced to live in a Bed and breakfast hotel. This hotel is disgusting and very small. Will Elsa and her family have better times or suffer to live their life?
“Sally went back to Peveril Square; life went back to normal. But there was a difference. Without knowing it, she had shaken the edge of a web, and the spider at the heart of it had awoken.”
“I want to be a regular shape again, like other people. It’s not fair.”
Hopeful of a less brutal life, he escapes to Sydney - only to be further disillusioned.
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