
Jacqueline Wilson Quotes

42 of the best book quotes from Jacqueline Wilson
″‘You love Star more than you love me,’ I said. ‘I love you both,’ said Marigold. She hesitated. ‘But Star is Micky’s child.’ ‘Yes, and she’s with him now,’ I said, ‘She’s gone to him. I’ve stayed with you. Why can’t you love me best?‘”
“I can be your best friend. I’d like that.”
″‘I love you,’ I whispered. I wanted her to say it back. I wanted her to put her painted arms round me and hug me tight. I wanted her to step out of her sickness and tell them I’d never so much as set eyes on my father. I wanted her to tell them that she couldn’t leave me all on my own.”
“I had to cope with her right from when I was little, I looked after her and you. You said yourself she’s better with you.”
“It was so odd walking down the road without Star. It felt as if part of me was missing.”
“Star always did stuff, cleaned her up and looked after her when she was really bad. I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know how to do anything without Star. She’s not just like my sister. She’s like my mum too. And my best friend. And now she’s walked out on me and I haven’t got anyone.”
“What sort of example are you to your little girls? No wonder one seems to have scarpered. Who would want a mother like you?”
“I couldn’t believe what I saw. She was white all over. Even part of her hair. Her neck, her arms, her bare body, her legs. She’d painted herself white with gloss paint. There were frantic white splotches all over her body, covering each and every tattoo...”
“I punched the pillow, harder and harder. Then I missed and punched the wall instead.”
“Marigold started going weird again on her birthday. Star remembered that birthdays were often bad times so we’d tried really hard.”
″‘You! That row last night! Screaming, shouting, bang bang banging. I’m going to get you all evicted, you see if I dont’”
“I was acting like the crazy person now, smashing everything. Maybe I was going to go mad like Marigold. We’d both end up in the loony bin. While Star had her shiny new life with her father.”
“She is always away in her own world, filled with fairies designed by her favorite author, Casper Dream. Last Christmas, they found out that Will was adopted when Will was rude to their grandmother, and she said something about bad blood. ”
“Violet is extremely depressed to see how weak her mother is, and how she does everything her father tells her to do and does not care that her husband has no respect for her whatsoever.”
“After Will forces her to play a game of ‘Blind Man’s Buff’, a game she hates, she gets attacked by bats and Violet resolves to never let Will order her about again.”
“In the attic, Violet finds out that she used to have another brother named Will, but he died shortly after he was born, so her parents tried to replace him with her Will. ”
“Moving on in the story, a new girl, Jasmine Day, comes to Violet’s school and she chooses her as a friend. Violet is thrilled and spends a lot of time with Jasmine.”
“Even though she adores Will, Violet refuses to spend a day with him, to go to Brompton Woods, and instead chooses to go to Jasmine’s house.”
“Later on, Violet’s father says that they are to go to their Gran’s house to wish her a happy birthday, but Will refuses because how she had charmlessly told him that he was adopted. ”
“She returns home and learns that Jasmine was a true friend to her after all. She forgives both Jasmine and Will. In the end, she confronts her parents’ about the first Will.”
“Do you know what everyone calls me now? Bed and Breakfast. That’s what all the kids yell after me in the playground. Even the teachers do it.
“I bet you don’t know anyone else called Elsa. There was just this lion called Elsa, years ago. There was a book written about her, and they made a film. They sometimes show it on the television so maybe you’ve seen it. My mum called me after Elsa the lion. I was a very tiny baby, smaller than all the others in the hospital, but I was born with lots of hair. ”
“I bet you don’t know anyone else called Elsa. There was just this lion called Elsa, years ago. There was a book written about her, and they made a film. They sometimes show it on the television so maybe you’ve seen it. My mum called me after Elsa the lion. I was a very tiny baby, smaller than all the others in the hospital, but I was born with lots of hair. ”
She has a sunny disposition and loves to tell jokes, especially when she is trying to cheer up the people around her. As a child, Elsa lived happily with her mum until her mum fell in love with “Mack the Smack”, a Scottish man whom Elsa dislikes because he is extremely short-tempered and, as the nickname suggests, frequently uses smacking as a punishment. Elsa’s mum married Mack and together they had Pippa, Elsa’s nearly five-year-old sister, and Hank, her infant brother.
Mack has several jobs that only last a certain period of time, which means that the uncertainty surrounding money is always evident to the children. After several house moves, including in with Mack’s mother in Scotland, the family is finally evicted and forced to move in a bed and breakfast hotel ironically named “The Royal Hotel”, which used to be a grand place but has become dirty and poorly maintained by ambivalent staff. Elsa nicknames the hotel “The Oyal Htl” due to the missing lettering on the hotel front.
“They work for a while and then start up ‘Truth or Dare’ again, where Will asks Violet who she likes better, him or Jasmine. When Violet fails to respond, Will dares her to spend ten minutes in the attic.”
One day a great fire breaks out in the hotel (which Elsa discovers) and Elsa saves the guests by waking them up because of her extremely loud voice. Elsa becomes a star and is interviewed by many reporters. Because of the damage caused by the fire, Elsa and her family temporarily move into “The Star Hotel”, a very well-managed place. The book ends with Elsa telling jokes to the readers.
“It is about a thirteen-year-old girl called Violet and her big brother, Will. Violet is a dreamy girl who is described as having long, thick hair and being small and skinny for her age.”
“But I’ve heard them. ‘Oh yes, that Elsa. She’s one of the bed-and-breakfast children.’ Honestly, it sounds like I’ve got a duvet for a dress, cornflake curls, two fried-eggs eyes and a streaky-bacon smile.”
“I don’t look a bit like that. Well, I hope I don’t! I’m Elsa. Do you like my name? O hope you do like it or Elsa”ll get upset. Do you get the joke? I made it up myself. I’m always cracking jokes. People don’t often laugh though.”
The Bed and Breakfast Star is a great book about a small girl, Elsa who lives with her mum, stepfather and her two step-siblings. She lives a normal life until one day they get homeless and are forced to live in a Bed and breakfast hotel. This hotel is disgusting and very small. Will Elsa and her family have better times or suffer to live their life?
“I’m Elsa, and that’s one of my jokes (I tell LOTS of jokes and I’m going to be a big star one day). I do my best to cheer my family up - but no one seems to laugh much any more. Not since we lost our lovely house and had to move into a bed and breakfast hotel .”
“She really liked me, little Camilla. A family picked her to be their foster child quick as a wink. I begged her foster mom and dad to bring her back to see me but they never did.”
“I like my mom because she’s pretty and good fun and she brings me lovely presents.”
“Most of all I hate Justine. That Monster Gorilla. And not seeing my mom.”
“My best friend is... well I’ve had lots and lots, but Louise has gone off with Justine and now I haven’t got anyone just at the moment.”
“I was so mad I smashed up the bike so I don’t even have that anymore. And now I’m in a new children’s home and they’ve advertised me in the papers but there weren’t many takers and now I think they’re getting a bit desperate.”
“I can’t stand fairy tales. They’re all the same. If you’re very good and very beautiful with long golden curls, then, after you’ve swept up a few cinders or had a long nap in a cobwebby palace, this prince comes along and you live happily ever after. Which is fine if you happen to be a goody-goody and look gorgeous. But if you’re bad and ugly then you’ve got no chance whatsoever.”
“Best of all I like being with my mom.”
“I don’t have a dad. I lived with my mom when I was little and we got on great but then she got this Monster Gorilla Boyfriend and I hated him and he hated me back and beat me up and so I had to be taken away to a children’s home.”
“There’s not much point making friends because I expect to be moving on soon.”
“And we do Projects, only I never have the right stuff at the Home so I can’t do it properly and get a star.”

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