
to begin Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about to begin
Lucy knew that trouble was about to begin and tries to warn her family of the danger of staying in the house, even though her family do not believe her at first.
“What an Opening Night! What a night! What a sight! I’ll host up the curtains! The crowds will crowd in! And my Circus McGurkus will promptly begin with a welcoming toot on my Welcoming Horn”
“And the little swallow began to think, and then he fell asleep. Thinking always made him sleepy.”
Forced to go to school in a frilly pink dress, Bill discovers one of the worst days in his life is about to begin. Baffled by the way things are just different for girls, Bill falls headlong into trouble.
So Johnny begins the life of a stroller - begging on the street, sleeping where he can.
“The only thing that Annie didn’t like were the steely winter days when it began to grow dark before she came home from school. The marsh didn’t seem such a friendly place then. The wind whined, seabirds screamed.”
“Begin at the beginning, go to the end, and there stop- that’s what Rickie, our English master, told me when it was settled I should write the story. It sounds simple enough. But where was the beginning? Haven’t you ever wondered about where things start?”
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