
Way Home Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Way Home
When we find out where Shane lives, it is on the streets covered with newspapers and Shane’s drawings of cats. Although Shane has very little, he wants to give everything he can to make sure that the cat has everything that he needs.
It’s night and the dark is filled with strange sounds as Shane makes his way home. On a fence he finds a stray cat that at first growls and spits at him.
But Shane talks and strokes the kitten to calmness, and decides to take the ‘Spitfire, Kitten Number One,’ home with him.
It’s a story of a boy who lives in an inner city, finds a young cat, and decides to take it home. They must travel through a gauntlet of dark and very scary incidents and places to get home.
No gang of boys, or avenue of dense traffic, or fierce dog can stop Shane carrying his new found friend to the place he calls home.
Shane is a runaway. A homeless boy living on the streets. One night he finds a kitten and is determined to make it his own and take it home. But will he and Cat be able to make their way safely through the night?
Children relate to Shane automatically (due to his being around 8 – 10 years old) and can relate to the fear of being on the one hand stubborn (as many children are at that age!) and on the other hand unable to support oneself and needing the security of your parents.
The boy living on the streets, seeking companionship and the need to protect (possibly the way he wasn’t), jealousy of a well looked after cat with a home, the use of crumbled up (thrown away) paper at the beginning and end of the book.
Way home follows a young boy called Shane and a stray cat that Shane has decided to home. During their journey home, Shane and the cat experience many dangerous encounters such as a gang of lads and a dog.
Throughout this book, Shane is always telling the cat that they are close to home so the reader is left guessing as to where Shane lives.

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