
guessing Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes about guessing
“Because, after your party, as well you may guess, it will take twenty days just to sweep up the mess.”
″‘Best not to speculate, really,’ said Aziraphale. ‘You can’t second-guess ineffability, I always say. There’s Right, and there’s Wrong. If you do Wrong when you’re told to do Right, you deserve to be punished. Er.‘”
″‘So guess what.’ ‘What?... I don’t know...’ ‘I’m pregnant.‘”
“Nobody knows anything, really, you know, and a woman can guess a good deal nearer than a man.”
I guessed where some of the plot twists were going, but I didn’t catch the big one until right before it happened. And there were some twists I never saw coming at all. Completely delightful.
“ ‘What’s your name?’ ‘Treehorn,’ said Treehorn. ‘First time I ever heard of a family naming two boys the same name,’ said the bus driver. ‘Guess they couldn’t think of any other name, once they thought of Treehorn.’ Treenhorn said nothing.”
“His odd coat from heel to head was half of yellow and half of red, and he himself was tall and thin, with sharp blue eyes, each like a pin, and light loose hair, yet swarthy skin, no tuft on cheek nor beard on chin, but lips where smiles went out and in: there was no guessing his origin.”
Throughout this book, Shane is always telling the cat that they are close to home so the reader is left guessing as to where Shane lives.
″ ‘I guess some clam will find my tooth and get what I wished for,’ said Sal. ‘If we come back here tomorrow and I find a clam eating a chocolate ice-cream cone, why, we’ll have to take it away from him and make him give my tooth back too,’ she said.”
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