
Malcolm Carrick Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from Malcolm Carrick
“Everyone knows how clever Mr. Tod is, especially Mrs. Tod and their three cubs. But when it comes to catching rabbits, Mr. Tod’s ideas are just too clever. HIs family gets hungrier and hungrier.”
“Mrs. Tod took off her apron. ‘I don’t mind the rain,’ she said. ‘Why don’t I go hunting?’ ‘Because you are a woman,’ shouted Mr. Tod, ‘and a mother. Your place is here at home, looking after the cubs. I will go hunting.”
“You chase the rabbits toward the river, and I will hide by the bridge.′ ‘Why?’ asked Weasel. ‘Because rabbits don’t like to swim. They will use the bridge,’ said Mr. Tod. ‘How clever!’ said Weasel and rushed off to look for rabbits.”
“Happy Jack bumbles his way into a fortune and a wife in spite of his stupidity.”
“He put the jug in his pocket. Jack was so happy he danced all the way home. ‘You have spilled all the milk,’ his mother shouted. ‘Now we have nothing to drink. You should have put the jug on your head.”
“A headstrong, inventive fox who is having trouble catching rabbits for his family discovers that the cleverest way to feed a hungry family is for the mother and father to do what each does best. ”
“Finally Mr. Tod builds the greatest trap in history, and discovers his best idea yet, with a help from Mrs. Tod. This headstrong inventor fox and his doting family will charm beginning readers.”
“Will you be by bedtime?′ asked Elsie. ‘To tuck us in.’ ‘And to play games and tell us stories,’ Arnold added. ‘We can eat supper together,’ said Maurice. ‘I will be home before bedtime,’ Mr. Tod promised.”
“Mr. Tod wen to the bridge. It was cold and wet. Mr. Tod shivered until dusk. ‘It’s the cubs’ bedtime now.′ He sniffed, ′ I must go home before it gets dark.”
“Jack was happy and very lazy. He did not work. All day he stared at the faraway sky. Jack’s mother was very unhappy. ‘We have no money left, ’ she wailed. ‘What shall we do now?”
“Happy Jack smiled. ‘I will get a job,’ he said. ‘Then we will have pots of money.’ Jack went to a farm. ‘Can I have a job?’ he asked the farmer. ‘Yes’ the farmer said. ‘You can star on Monday.”
“You should put your money in your pocket!′ his mother cried. ‘Now we have no money again.’ On Tuesday Jack said to himself, ‘Today I must put my pay in my pocket.”
“Mr. Tod was making toys for his cubs _ Elsie, Arnold, and Maurice. ‘You are so clever,’ said Mrs. Tod. ‘And you tell such great stories,’ said Elsie. ‘Tell us a story about when we were little and Mom found the secret door to the rabbits’ home.”
“Weasel was there already. ′ It’s so cold here.′ moaned Mr. Tod. ‘I keep warm by chasing rabbits,’ Weasel told him. Mr. Tod smirked. ‘I use clever ideas to catch rabbits,’ Mr. Tod said.”
“So on Monday Jack started work. He plowed the fields in straight lines. The farmer paid him for his day’s work. Jack was so happy he hurried home. But on the way he lost his money.”
“Not today,′ said Mr. Tod. ‘But there is not food in the house,’ cried Mrs. Tod. ‘What!’ cried Mr. Tod. ‘I went hunting yesterday. I even missed the cubs’ bedtime.′ ‘I know,’ sighed Mrs. Tod.‘But you didn’t catch anything.”
“Jack worked very hard. He milked the cows and goats and sheep. At the end of the day the farmer gave Jack a full jug of milk. Jack remembered what his mother had told him.”
“By Saturday Jack was tired of work. ‘Today I must carry my pay on my back.’ he sighed. ‘Today we are going to market,’ the farmer told Jack. The farmer rode to market on his old donkey. Jack carried the milk and the cheese.”
“On Wednesday Jack made cheese. All the end of the day the farmer gave Jack a big runny cheese. He put it on his head. ‘Oh no!’ his mother yelled. ‘You should have carried the cheese in your hands! Now e have nothing to eat.”
“So on Thursday Jack said. ‘Today I must carry my pay in my hands.’ He worked in the barn moving the hay. At the end of the day the farmer gave him a laying hen. Jack carried it home in his hands.”

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