
Michael Summers Quotes

Eight of the best book quotes from Michael Summers
“I had a dream about you last night. We moved into a cabin in the countryside. I couldn’t handle the spiders. You couldn’t handle my drama. I moved back to the city.”
“I had a dream about you last night. We moved into a cabin in the countryside. I couldn’t handle the spiders. You couldn’t handle my drama. I moved back to the city.”
“I had a dream about you last night. We stopped telling each other about our dreams when we realized we were still inside them.”
“I didn’t dream about you last night. I woke up in fear.”
“I had a dream about you last night. The champagne was non-alcoholic. You didn’t notice, and laughed at my jokes anyway.”
“I had a dream about you last night. I could fly. I was going to use this power to impress you, but you were too heavy to carry, so I won you over with my personality instead.”
“I had a dream about you. We were fishing in the Utah desert. You caught a dinosaur, but due to Federal regulations, we had to release the bones so Ted Kennedy could drive back to the cemetery, drunk.
“I had a dream about you last night. Eons ago, we created a Universe, then sat back and watched miniature versions of ourselves try to make all the same mistakes we did.”
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