
Owl Moon Quotes

11 of the best book quotes from Owl Moon
“It was late one winter night, long past my bedtime, when Pa and I went owling. There was no wind. The trees stood still as giant statues. And the moon was so bright the sky seemed to shine.”
“It was late one winter night, long past my bedtime, when Pa and I went owling. There was no wind. The trees stood still as giant statues. And the moon was so bright the sky seemed to shine.”
“If you want to go owling you have to be quiet, that’s what Pa always says. I’ve been waiting to go owling with Pa for a long, long time.”
“Our feet crunched over the crisp snow and little gray footprints followed. Pa made a long shadow, but mine was short and round. I had to run after him every now and then to keep up and my short, round shadow bumped after me.”
“I listened and looked so hard that my ears hurt and my eyes got cloudy with the cold.”
“When you go owling you don’t need words or warm or anything but hope.”
“I didn’t ask what kind of things hide behind black trees in the middle of the night. When you go owling you have to be brave.”
“The moon was high above us. It seemed to fit exactly over the center of the clearing and the snow below it was whiter than milk in a cereal bowl.”
“I knew then that I could talk, I could even laugh out loud. But I was a shadow as we walked home.”
“All of a sudden, an owl shadow, part of the big tree shadow, lifted off and flew right over us.”
“He looked up, as if searching the stars, as if reading a map up there. The moon made his face into a silver mask.”
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