
crisis Quotes

16 of the best book quotes about crisis
“Sometimes you need a little crisis to get your adrenaline flowing and help you realize your potential.”
“I know of no case study in history that describes an organization that has been managed out of a crisis. Every single one of them was led.”
“Why is it that the one time a cute guy talks to you, you have a friend who’s in crisis?”
“Ka comes to me ... I translate it ... I am not ka ... I hate it! ”
“Great crises produce great men, and great deeds of courage,”
“If we think of life as a kind of Olympic games, some of life’s crises are sprints. They require maximum emotional concentration for a short time. Then they are over, and life returns to normal. But other crises are distance events. They ask us to maintain our concentration over a much longer period of time, and that can be a lot harder.”
“Each of us has lived through some devastation, some loneliness, some weather superstorm or spiritual superstorm. When we look at each other we must say, I understand. I understand how you feel because I have been there myself. We must support each other because each of us is more alike then we are unalike. ”
“The main obstacle to finding God’s way through the crises and gaps of life is failing to believe a way exists.”
“Denial is the lid on our emotional pressure cooker: the longer we leave it on, the more pressure we build up. Sooner or later, that pressure is bound to pop the lid, and we have an emotional crisis.”
“People don’t mind doing CPR on a crisis victim, but no person is equipped to be the constant lifeline to another.”
“Butler took the stairs four at a time. It was possibly the first time he had ever abandoned Master Artemis in a time of crisis. But Juliet was family, and there was obviously something seriously wrong with his baby sister. That fairy had said something to her, and now she was just sitting in the cell giggling. Butler feared the worst. If anything were to happen to Juliet, he didn’t know how he’d live with himself.”
“You’re going to have to be flexible, Alexander. Our family is going through a real crisis. In the Chinese language, do you know what the characters for ‘crisis’ are? ‘Danger’ plus ‘opportunity’. Maybe your mother’s illness will offer you an extraordinary opportunity.”
“Perhaps most troubling of all, our democracy seems to be teetering on the brink of crisis—a crisis rooted in a fundamental contest between two opposing visions of what America is and what it should be; a crisis that has left the body politic divided, angry, and mistrustful, and has allowed for an ongoing breach of institutional norms, procedural safeguards, and the adherence to basic facts that both Republicans and Democrats once took for granted.”
“he often did at a moment of great crisis, Arnold threw a party for the congressmen in the mansion”
“The crisis of modern society is precisely that the youth no longer feel heroic in the plan for action that their culture has set up.”
“Every crisis offers an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser; to reach deep within and discover a better you that will create a better outcome.”
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