
Isabel Allende Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from Isabel Allende
“For a long time, he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed, trying to control the hurricane of feelings that shook him to his marrow.”
″‘Alone?’ ‘Alone. I’m afraid that from here on you will have to do a lot of things alone. Take your passport, because I think you’re going on an adventure with my mother.‘”
“He had to stay in bed for the next two days, as green as a lizard and convinced that he would die if nausea and the pain in his head. His father thought he had a virus, and his mother immediately suspected her mother-in-law but didn’t dare accuse her of poisoning her only grandson.”
“In the center of the room was his mother, barefoot and in her nightgown, sitting on a small stool with her face in her hands, crying. His father, standing behind her, was holding an old straight razor that had belonged to Alex’s grandfather. Long clumps of black hair littered the floor...”
“Up until a couple months ago, Alex had been happy. He had never felt any great curiosity to explore beyond the safe boundaries of his own existence;”
″‘Kate is quite capable of pushing me into a river hill filled with piranhas,’ Alex blurted out. ‘With a grandmother like mine, I don’t need enemies.‘”
“You’re going to have to be flexible, Alexander. Our family is going through a real crisis. In the Chinese language, do you know what the characters for ‘crisis’ are? ‘Danger’ plus ‘opportunity’. Maybe your mother’s illness will offer you an extraordinary opportunity.”
“It’s much more difficult for Lisa than for any of us. Alexander. We have to be strong, the way she is.”
“Alex had realized during those months how enormous their mother’s presence had been and how painful her absence was now.”
“Truth was, the only thing he wanted was to go back to the kind of life he’d had a few months before, when his mother was well. He didn’t want to go to the Amazon with Kate. He was a little afraid of his grandmother.”
“Clara never spoke to her husband again.”
“You can’t find someone who doesn’t want to be found.”
″‘Barrabas came to us by sea’, the child Clara wrote in her delicate calligraphy. She was already in the habit of writing down important matters, and afterward, when she was mute, she also recorded trivialities, never suspecting that fifty years later I would use her notebooks to reclaim the past and overcome terrors of my own.”
“At birth Rosa was white and smooth, without a wrinkle, like a porcelain doll, with green hair and yellow eyes—the most beautiful creature to be born on earth since the days of original sin, as the midwife put it, making the sign of the cross.”
″‘I set my curse on you, Esteban!’ Ferula shouted back. ‘You will always be alone! Your body and soul will shrivel up and you’ll die like a dog!‘”
“That’s the way it’s always been, son. You can’t change the law of God.”
“Can’t you see my soul is very old and you’re still a child?”
“Of two evils, she chose the one that struck her as the lesser.”
“Clara’s death completely transformed life in the big house on the corner.”
“For the first time in his life, Senator Trueba admitted he had made a mistake. ”

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