
grandmothers Quotes

25 of the best book quotes about grandmothers
“Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little cap of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else; so she was always called ‘Little Red-Cap.‘”
“Why do poets always talk about the ocean’s waves, about their single file march to shore, and yet never talk about my grandmother’s farts, which arrive in time, one after the other, with equal regularity?”
Griffin Silk is an uncommon sort of boy, from an uncommon sort of family. The warm, loving home he shares with his father, grandmother and five big sisters (The Rainbow Girls) is marked by the aching absence of his mother and baby sister
“He had to stay in bed for the next two days, as green as a lizard and convinced that he would die if nausea and the pain in his head. His father thought he had a virus, and his mother immediately suspected her mother-in-law but didn’t dare accuse her of poisoning her only grandson.”
″‘Kate is quite capable of pushing me into a river hill filled with piranhas,’ Alex blurted out. ‘With a grandmother like mine, I don’t need enemies.‘”
“Truth was, the only thing he wanted was to go back to the kind of life he’d had a few months before, when his mother was well. He didn’t want to go to the Amazon with Kate. He was a little afraid of his grandmother.”
“Mouserella misses her grandmother. She had to go back to the country, and Mouserella lives in the city.”
“A young mouse sits down to write her grandmother a letter, but she can’t think of anything to say. All of a sudden, though ...
″‘Your grandmother has caught a cold, grand children, and it is dark and windy out here. Quickly open up, and let your Po Po come in,’ the cunning wolf said. Tao and Paotze could not wait. One unlatched the door and the other opened it. They shouted, ‘Po Po, Po Po, come in.‘”
″‘My little jewels,’ said the wolf, ‘this is your grandmother, your Po Po.’ ‘Po Po!’ Shang said. ‘Our mother has gone to visit you!‘”
“It happened at least partly because Noah had been the best man (quite by accident) at the wedding of Ethan’s grandmother and Nadia’s grandfather. It happened because Nadia discovered that she could not let a lot of baby turtles die.”
‘I am going to go and give her a piece of my mind!’ Now Grandma goes back to the store with the bag of potatoes. She is very angry at the clerk. Grandma soon returns. She is no longer angry at the clerk. ‘You said you wanted potatoes. Why did you lie to me?’ Molly can’t answer that.
“We all have the same dream, my grandmother says. To live equal in a country that’s supposed to be the land of the free. She lets out a long breath, deep remembering.”
“My grandmother always dressed in white, summer and winter. She had come to Venice from England at twenty years old and instantly ‘fell like a ripe apple’ into the arms of a worker at the shipyard -he became my mother’s father.”
In Venice, Italy, ten-year-old Elisa finds she must deal with all the unexpected consequences of her beloved eccentric grandmother’s transformation into a giant Aldabra tortoise, native to a small group of coral islands in the Seychelles.
“The way to outsmart death, Elisa dear, is to turn into something else, says Elisa’s grandmother, an actress with a flair for the dramatic. But when it seems as if Nonna might actually be changing literally, Elisa must uncover a series of mysteries.”
“What secret rule could be keeping Nonna and Mamma, mother and daughter, from seeing each other? What was it that I didn’t know? Whenever I got back home, Mamma would interrogate me about Nonna Eia’s health. She bombarded me with questions, sometimes embarrassing ones. Like, ‘Did she have a strange smell? Are you sure she’s keeping clean?”
″‘Would you like to know a secret that no one else even suspects?’ Bisa Bea lives with me. No one knows about her. No one can see her.”
“Bisa Bea lives with me, but not beside me. Bisa Bea lives very close to me. Actually, she lives inside me.”
“There was an Old Man on a hill, Who seldom, if ever, stood still; He ran up and down in his Grandmothers gown, Which adorned that Old Man on a hill.”
“Sometimes I don’t feel worthy but then I look at my reflection and see my daughter, mother and grandmother who are worthy of all things. That in itself says a lot about me.”
Katie accidentally delivers four packages to the wrong houses on the Isle of Struay, but her grandmother agrees to help her sort things out.
″ One morning Kasperl’s grandmother is sitting in the sun outside her house, grinding coffee in her new musical coffee mill—a birthday gift from Kasperl and his best friend Seppel.”
“Most grandmothers are lovely, kind, helpful old ladies, but not this one.”
“They were orphaned when they were six, and the death of their grandmother is the cause of their moving from a cramped existence in London to the enjoyment of all the pleasures of life in a country house.”

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