
don't know Quotes

16 of the best book quotes about don't know
″‘I don’t really know,’ I heard myself say. I felt a deep shock hearing myself say that, because the minute I said it, I knew it was true.”
“I’ll never know, and neither will you, of the life you don’t choose. We’ll only know that whatever that sister life was, it was important and beautiful and not ours. It was the ghost ship that didn’t carry us. There’s nothing to do but salute it from the shore.”
″And she was new to the school, so the rumors overshadowed everything else I knew about her.”
“When you first fall in love, you think you love the person, but you don’t really. You can’t know the person right away. That takes years. You actually love the idea of the person – and that is always, at first, one-dimensional and somewhat mistaken.”
″‘So guess what.’ ‘What?... I don’t know...’ ‘I’m pregnant.‘”
“You don’t know how to flatter.”
“I don’t know any more. I used to know, but I lost the knowledge a long time ago.”
“Those that hate goodness are sometimes nearer than those that know nothing at all about it and think they have it already.”
″ I might be your best friend, and you don’t even know it.”
“Sometimes God puts people exactly where they need to be. Even when they don’t know it.”
“My dear, I really don’t know what else I can do to help you stop feeling so afraid. I think I’ll have to sit here next to you and you can tell me everything.”
“Mrs. Mouseling shook her head and said, ‘I just don’t know what to do about Angelina.’ Mr. Mouseling thought awhile and then he said, ‘I think I may have an idea.’ ”
“quite different; for you see I mean to do something grand. I don’t know what, yet; but when I’m grown up I shall find out.”
“No, I could not be cruel, and yet I must often do what looks cruel to those who do not know. But the people they say I drown, I only carry away to the back of the north wind - only I never saw the place.”
“We still didn’t know who was going to live there. Donna who’s really friendly, and can talk to anyone, talked to the builders all the time but they didn’t want to talk about the owner.”
“You somehow knew were you were then. I don’t even know who the people are these days...I expect it’s all done by committees, dear.”
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