
being weak Quotes

19 of the best book quotes about being weak
″ ‘I want you to be old. Ten years older. Twenty years older!’ What she meant was: I want you to be weak. As weak as I am.”
“He went over and sat next to her on the side facing the window. She ran her hand through his hair, lifting it out of his eyes, and he could see how skinny her arm was, almost like it was just bone and skin.”
“One of the greatest indignities about being old is that people insist on helping you with things like bathing and going to the washroom. I don’t in fact require help with either, but they’re all so afraid I’m going to slip and break my hip again that I get a chaperone whether I like it or not.”
“I try to brush the hairs flat with my hand and freeze at the sight of my old hand on my old head. I lean close and open my eyes very wide, trying to see beyond the sagging flesh. It’s no good. Even when I look straight into the milky blue eyes, I can’t find myself anymore. When did I stop being me?”
″[Gus] felt such love for Lorie that even speaking her name caused him to feel weak sometimes.”
“If you only do what is easy, you will always remain weak.”
“‘The cowards never started,’ he’d tell me, ‘and the weak died along the way - that leaves us.’”
“Fault always lies in the same place, my fine babies: with him weak enough to lay blame.”″
“Bigger felt that he was sitting and holding his life helplessly in his hands, waiting for Max to tell him what to do with it; and it made him hate himself. An organic wish to cease to be, to stop living, seized him. Either he was too weak, or the world was too strong; he did not know which. Over and over he had tried to create a world to live in and over and over he had failed. Now once again he was waiting for someone to tell him something; once more, he was poised on the verge of action and commitment.”
“Let our hearts admit, “I am poor and weak. Satan is too subtle, too cunning, too powerful; he watches constantly for advantages over my soul. The world presses in upon me with all sorts of pressures, pleas, and pretences.”
“The elimination of the weak is the death of fellowship.”
“Has fellowship served to make the individual free, strong, and mature, or has it made him weak and dependent? Has it taken him by the hand for a while in order that he may learn again to walk by himself, or has it made him uneasy and unsure?”
“At times everything grows misty and dark before my eyes, and I feel that the strength of my whole body is oozing away through my finger tips.”
“An isolated person is weak. By slowly isolating your victims, you make them more vulnerable to your influence. Take them away from their normal milieu, friends, family, home. Give them the sense of being marginalized, in limbo? ”
“Not weak, not strong. Different...”
″‘I am so small and weak, Po Po,’ Shang pretended. ‘I could not hold the rope alone.’ ‘This time I will help,’ Tao said. ‘Let us do it again.‘”
“To her surprise, she was instantly moved with pity. He looked so small and crushed, and so frail; she had pictured a strapping youth bravely biting his lips and smiling through his pain, but not this utterly vanquished child whose face showed only fear and bewilderment.”
“Only a weakling gives up when he’s becalmed! A strong man sails by ash breeze!”
“Some people think, because I’m not very big, that I’m not very strong.”
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