
Milo Yiannopoulos Quotes

22 of the best book quotes from Milo Yiannopoulos
“In America and beyond, I will continue to fight for my vision of campus life -- one of constant intellectual and political simulation, where dangerous ideas are welcomed rather than shunned. Where violating some great taboo will lead to spirited debate, not a trip to the office of an Orwellian ‘Bias Task Force’.”
“People love getting into spats on the internet. Some people spend their whole lives doing it. The only people who object to ridicule and criticism are touchy, fragile celebrities and journalists with brittle egos who can’t cope with readers pointing out how biased and stupid they are.”
“As Friedrich Nietzsche said, ‘Man is the cruelest animal.’ This is a fact of life and it is not changed by all the abuse and harassment policies in all of Silicon Valley. Progressives will never understand this.
“Instead of asking themselves why they lost people’s trust, the media instead asked why the people had lost trust in them. A subtle, but important difference.”
“Politics isn’t won by commanding the facts, but by connecting with people’s experiences.”
“It’s weird how obsessed the media is with calling everyone racist, isn’t it? It’s almost like they want everyone to be racist or something, for some reason.”
“Be twice as funny as you are outrageous, because no one can resist the truth wrapped in a good joke.”
“If I could tell my colleagues in the media four things, they would be: 1.Everyone hates you. 2.No one is afraid of you. 3.No one believes what you say. 4.Nobody owes you anything. If every journalist in America realized those four things, their behavior would transform overnight, immeasurably for the better.”
“Many of the basic luxuries we take for granted today like two-day weekends, eight-hour workdays, and basic occupational health and safety, were won by leftist worker’s rights movements.”
“Progressive identity politics ignores basic human realities. If you live authentically as yourself there will be repercussions. Not everyone will like you. Some people may even want you dead.”
“In politics, victory goes to those with cunning, mettle and deviousness, not those who have facts and principles on their side.”
“Hatred has engulfed the politics of the Left. Socialists hate the financially successful. LGBT activists hate fundamentalist Christians. Black Lives Matter hate police officers. Fat people hate skinny people, like me and Ann Coulter. But none of these groups hate with the PMS-fueled pettiness of feminism.”
“Jane Austen did not become one of the most renowned authors in the English language by having her characters dye their armpit hair and join a lesbian commune.”
“Donald Trump appeals to people who have had it up to their eyeballs with being told what they can and cannot say.”
“I want people to be allowed to make jokes about, and discuss, anything they want. I don’t think people should be ostracized for doing so.”
“Morally authoritarian movements are attractive to ugly, miserable, talentless people.”
“I’d prefer a world with no identity politics. I’d prefer we judged people according to reason, logic and evidence instead of barmy left-wing theories about ‘oppression.’ ”
“There is nothing else which better exposes the modern Left’s rank hypocrisy, their disregard for the facts, and their hatred for the West and all it stands for than their attitude to Islam. Every noble principle the Left claims to uphold, from rights for women to gay liberation, even diversity itself, dies on the altar of its sycophantic defense of Islam.”
” We progressives believe in diversity, and we want women, blacks, Latinos, gays and Muslims at the table - er, so long as they aren’t conservatives.”
“To the victims of homophobia, patriarchy, street harassment and intolerance: don’t worry, we’ll put a lid on Muslim immigration.”
“The new brand of political correctness, popular on college campuses and social media, is the idea that no speech should exist that directly challenges politically correct ideas.”
“Identity politics is universally attractive because it enables failures and weaknesses to be spun as the products of oppression and historical injustice. Personal responsibility is removed from the equation.”

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