
bored Quotes

11 of the best book quotes about bored
“I had a rule that it was better to be bored by yourself than to be bored with someone else. I pretty much lived by that rule. Maybe that’s why I didn’t have any friends.”
“Others are as tired of themselves as you are. Let each one learn to bore himself.”
“Feeling motivated and energized, we can overcome almost anything. Feeling bored and restless, our minds shut off and we become increasingly passive.”
“Do you ever sit and fidget when you don’t know what to do...?”
“Oscar says, ‘Doing whatever you like can get tiresome after a while. I sometimes get a little bored watching the same old shows on TV. I even have to get my own supper.‘”
“One Christmas, he got a ‘Zybox’ Teddy-Bot. But by Easter, he was bored with it... and then it got broken.”
“Wow! I never knew the car could go so fast. If Dad always drove like that, I wouldn’t have so much time to get bored.”
“A reason that had to do with the sameness of each and every week. She was bored with simply being straight-A’s Claudia Kinkaid. She was tired of arguing about whose turn it was to choose the Sunday night seven-thirty television show, of injustice, and of the monotony of everything.”
It was up to Johnny to keep in touch with Dove. It was all right for Rab to talk. Rab was training with the armed forces. But what could Johnny do? Not much, it seemed to him, except be bored to death for his country.
“Getting bored is not allowed Sometimes I comb my hair with a fork Sometimes I wear my arm in a sling Sometimes I put a rubber band on the end of my nose”
“Tom had few ideas on the causes and cures of sleeplessness, and it never occurred to him to complain. At first he tried to read himself to sleep with Aunt Gwen’s schoolgirl stories. They did not even bore him enough for that...”
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