
sometimes Quotes

19 of the best book quotes about sometimes
“Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes you’ll put up a good fight and lose. Sometimes you’ll hold on really hard and realize there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is a small, quiet room.”
“Black bears rarely attack. But here’s the thing. Sometimes they do. All bears are agile, cunning and immensely strong, and they are always hungry. If they want to kill you and eat you, they can, and pretty much whenever they want. That doesn’t happen often, but-and here is the absolutely salient point-once would be enough.”
″Jon warned me that sometimes this took great patience—even years.’But in the end,’ he said, ‘people will show you their good side. Almost everybody has a good side. Just keep waiting. It will come out.’ ″
“Volunteers from the audience sometimes participate in preparation. As the trick is being setup, the magician will make use of every possible use of misdirection.”
“I sometimes have the feeling you’ve been here a long time, more than one lifetime, and that you’ve dwelt in private places none of the rest of us has even dreamed about.”
“Sometimes I want a quiet life other times I want to go a little bit fucking Gatsby.”
“Sometimes I stare boredly into space, thinking utterly of nothing. This makes Mrs. Wilberton very irritated. I get on her nerves. I know this because she is always telling me I do. To be honest, Mrs. Wilberton is not my favorite person on the planet of Earth. Unfortunately, I am from Earth and she is my teacher.”
“Sometimes I stare boredly into space, thinking utterly of nothing. This makes Mrs. Wilberton very irritated. I get on her nerves. I know this because she is always telling me I do. To be honest, Mrs. Wilberton is not my favorite person on the planet of Earth. Unfortunately, I am from Earth and she is my teacher.”
“Sometimes I say, I haven’t got time for all your nonsense. And he says, TWIT. And I say, Twit and a half. And he says, Twit with carrots in your ears. And then I flick his nose with my ruler, And he says, MOOOM, in this really whiny brother way.”
“Sometimes Stina washed the dishes as a surprise.”
“So she wrote on her green notebook, ‘Why don’t I like Mrs Westvessel?’ and began to make a list of reasons. Making lists of reasons was sometimes a good way to figure things out. ‘Reason one’ wrote Anastasia, ‘Because she isn’t a good teacher.’
“Those who are alive, especially kids and baby animals, play and run and laugh and think that it is fun to discover everything. It’s not very common for people to die when they are young. But sometimes it does happen.”
“Sometimes there is nothing you can do.”
“Here is Alfie Atkins, four years old. He is sometimes cranky, and sometimes nice. Tonight he is cranky; he doesn’t want to go to sleep.”
“Getting bored is not allowed Sometimes I comb my hair with a fork Sometimes I wear my arm in a sling Sometimes I put a rubber band on the end of my nose”
“Her table was usually set with only white and black- milk and dark bread, of which there was no shortage- and sometimes there was broiled bacon and an egg or two-”
“Sometimes I get terribly sick and have to be waited on Sometimes I get so sick my head falls over and is wobbling until it is loose”
“Sometimes all it takes to win a battle is the sheer willpower. Amazing story, brilliantly told.”
“If you don’t cry sometimes, you’ll end up crying all the time.”

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