“You should also know that whatever your gift is, nobody can do it quite like you. One of the biggest traps we fall into as women is the comparison trap, the ‘she’s got it all’ trap, the ‘she has more fans’ trap, or the ‘she’s making more money’ trap.”
“The world simply cannot reject anyone or anything that comes from a place of passion. Stay focused on what you love, keep going, and trust that those who are meant to get your message will.”
“Learn to trust your own brilliance, go with your gut, and believe that you have something uniquely amazing to deliver to this world — because you do.”
“Wisdom is meant to be shared, so let’s start sharing what we’ve learned to make each other better. Let’s start building each other up. Let’s live up to our potential and start ruling the world.”
“Stop spending so much time watching others. There is a fine line between getting inspired and shifting your entire business model to look like someone else’s.
“We tend to stack ourselves up against everyone else and pick ourselves apart based on what other people are doing. This practice does nothing to make us better”