
focus Quotes

57 of the best book quotes about focus
″[A]llow my experience to guide you in this. Let go of your worries and focus only on the task at hand.”
“Your reality is created by what you focus on and how you chose to interpret it.”
“The earth is speaking to us, but we can’t hear because of all the racket our senses are making. Sometimes we need to erase them, erase our senses. Then–maybe-the earth will touch us. The universe will speak. The stars will whisper.”
“Most of us were simply wrapped too tightly in the grip of summit fever to engage in thoughtful reflection about the death of someone in our midst.”
“‘I certainly admire your attitude,’ Talkative said. ‘For you speak with conviction; and I might add, what else is so pleasant and so profitable as to talk about the things of God? For instance, if a man delights in such wonderful things as that, what could be more pleasurable to talk about than the history or mystery of such things? Or if a man loves to talk about miracles, wonders, or signs, where else will he find such things so delightfully recorded and so sweetly penned as in the Holy Scripture?’ ‘That is true,’ Faithful admitted, ‘but the real purpose of such discussion is that we should be benefited by such things in our talk. That should be our intended focus.‘”
“We were too tired to help. Above 8,000 meters is not a place where people can afford morality.”
“Unfortunately, the sort of individual who is programmed to […] keep pushing for the top is frequently programmed to disregard signs of grave and imminent danger as well.”
“For prudence is but experience, which equal time equally bestows on all men in those things they equally apply themselves unto.”
“I don’t try to focus on anything that doesn’t affect me personally and how I go out there every single day. I’m just going to continue to work hard and focus on what I can control.”
“When we narrow our focus, the problem seems everything. We forget when we were lonely, dreaming of a partner. We forget first beholding the beauty of another. We forget the comfort of first being seen and held and heard. When our view shuts down, we’re up in the night annoyed by the way our lover pulls the covers or leaves the dishes in the sink without soaking them first.”
“Most people focus on the wrong thing; They focus on the result, not the process. The process is the sacrifice; it’s all the hard parts - the sweat, the pain, the tears, the losses. You make the sacrifices anyway. You learn to enjoy them, or at least embrace them. In the end, it is the sacrifices that must fulfill you.”
“I am concerned that too many people are focused too much on money and not on their greatest wealth, which is their education.”
“To understand the world at all, sometimes you could only focus on a tiny bit of it, look very hard at what was close to hand and make it stand in for the whole.”
“One of the keys to thinking big is total focus. I think of it almost as a controlled neurosis, which is a quality I’ve noticed in many highly successful entrepreneurs. They’re obsessive, they’re driven, they’re single-minded and sometimes they’re almost maniacal, but it’s all channeled into their work. Where other people are paralyzed by neurosis, the people I’m talking about are actually helped by it.”
“My feelings of love may be unbounded, but my capacity to be loving is limited. I therefore must choose the person on whom to focus my capacity to love, toward whom to direct my will to love. True love is not a feeling by which we are overwhelmed. It is a committed, thoughtful decision.”
“It is not selfishness or unselfishness that distinguishes love from non-love; it is the aim of the action.”
“Writing taught my father to pay attention; my father in turn taught other people to pay attention and then to write down their thoughts and observations.”
“But for some people, the invasive can kind of take over, crowding out all the other thoughts until it’s the only one you’re able to have, the thought you’re perpetually either thinking or distracting yourself from.”
“You should be concentrating on what you’re here for, which is getting sober and rebuilding your life. Lilly is a distraction that takes you away from that.”
“It’s impossible for us to focus on the two — we’re just not that gifted, sorry.”
“Order will ease your load and free your mind for greater peace, joy, and creativity. By more effectively ordering your day, you will gain a sense of control, a sense of purpose, increased productivity, an environment of creativity, and a greater focus and flow of accomplishments.”
“His words replayed in my mind like the music score to Shakespearean tragedy. I decided I wasn’t going to focus on the big, fat it. I was going to dig through the smothering darkness and hold onto that tiny fragment of light.”
“It was the kind of separation anxiety that made my skin crawl and my head pound from the inside out. I immediately tried to shake it away, forcing myself to stay focused on what was most important.”
“For a warrior there is nothing other than thinking of his master.”
“This return of trust in God’s providence allayed the turbulence of my fears, and I was enabled to concentrate upon my situation all the force of my intelligence.”
“You can either waste time worrying about a death that might not come or concentrate on what’s left to you.”
“When you become addict in to MATERIAL things in life then the TRUE natural life start to run away from you, YES! it’s can give you certain pleasure in the society but in the same time it will sabotage your true HAPPINESS of life which we could have simply with GRATITUDE and FORGIVENESS”
“The same goes for us, whatever we do. Instead of pretending that we are living some great story, we must remain focused on the execution- and on executing with excellence.”
“The world simply cannot reject anyone or anything that comes from a place of passion. Stay focused on what you love, keep going, and trust that those who are meant to get your message will.”
“When you define your goals, you give your brain something new to look for and focus on. It’s as if you’re giving your mind a new set of eyes from which to see all the people, circumstances, conversations, resources, ideas, and creativity surrounding you.”
“Waiting is a sustained effort to stay focused on God through prayer and belief.”
“Her words stayed with him. For as long as he could remember, he had focused on himself, what he wanted, and how he’d get it.”
“Focus on the moment, not the monsters that may or may not be up ahead.”
“I will not show you what is on the road ahead, but I will thoroughly equip you for the journey. [...] Thus, you can walk through this day with your focus on Me. My abiding Presence is the best road map available.”
“For sometimes a choice must be made—this is the definition of focus. Sacrifice is not a word: it is loss and achievement, and most of all it is caring about other more than self.”
“Instead, lure them out of their insecurities by making them focus on something sublime and spiritual: a religious experience, a lofty work of art, the occult. ”
“As leaders, we must not get dragged into the details but instead remain focused on the bigger picture.”
“I remembered from my boyhood days in Texas a basic rule of firearms safety my father taught me: know your target and what is beyond it.”
“Listening is loving.”
“You cannot have everything in the present. The road to mastery requires patience. You will have to keep your focus on five or ten years down the road, when you will reap the rewards of your efforts. The process of getting there, however, is full of challenges and pleasures.”
“It is better to dedicate two or three hours of intense focus to a skill than to spend eight hours of diffused concentration on it. You want to be as immediately present to what you are doing as possible.”
“There are many things God wants to do on earth and in people’s lives, but if someone doesn’t leap in and answer the call to pray, it won’t happen.”
“The pain made him focus.”
“I wasn’t scared of missing, looking bad, or being embarrassed. That’s because I always kept the end result, the long game, in my mind.”
“Once you name something, it stops you seeing the whole of it, or why it matters. You focus on the word, which is just the tiniest part, really, the tip of an iceberg.”
“It is about a boy, Wilfrid, who helps an elderly friend, Nancy, to regain some of her memory.”
The book focused on animals, follows the boy Spider, abandoned at birth, and different through life. His gift for befriending animals brings him joy & value in his small farming community. We get a glimpse of life in the English countryside during World War II.
“I’ve often been asked about this personality trait—my ability to maintain composure in the middle of crisis. Sometimes I’ll say that it’s just a matter of temperament, or a consequence of being raised in Hawaii, since it’s hard to get stressed when it’s eighty degrees and sunny and you’re five minutes from the beach. If I’m talking to a group of young people, I’ll describe how over time I’ve trained myself to take the long view, about how important it is to stay focused on your goals rather than getting hung up on the daily ups and downs.”
“Keep focused! Keep going!”
“We don’t prioritize our time with ourselves. We rarely set aside moments to be still, to access our center. And the bottom line is, when we don’t focus on our inner light, it dims.”
“I am a firm believer that what you do and what you spend your time doing is a message to the universe. And the universe doesn’t know good or bad; it just knows what you are focusing on.”
“The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾ is the first book in the Adrian Mole series of comedic fiction.The book is written in a diary style, and focuses on the worries and regrets of a teenager who believes himself to be an intellectual.”
“It was while watching her that I realized that the focus of my life had shifted. For years Dad had been at the center of everything. Now it was as if he had suddenly turned away in that thinking way he has, his hand just touching his mouth, remembering something that needed to be done, and Helen had stepped smiling into his place.”
“First we must accomplish the task at hand. An officer who looks too far ahead stumbles over his own boots.”
“Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses.”
“Now don’t talk while I think.”
We men of study, whose heads are in our books, have need to be straitly looked after! We dream in our waking moments, and walk in our sleep.
Source: Chapter 12, Paragraph 47

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