
Arnold Lobel Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from Arnold Lobel
“Toad blinked in the bright sun. ‘Help!‘, said Toad. ‘I cannot see anything.’ ‘Don’t be silly,’ said Frog. ‘What you see is the clear warm light of April.’ ”
″ ‘Oh drat,’ said Toad. ‘Not only do my feet hurt, but I have lost one of the buttons on my jacket.’ ”
″ ‘Listen Frog,’ said Toad. ‘How long have I been asleep?’ ‘You have been asleep since November,’ said Frog. ‘Well then,’ said Frog. ‘A little more sleep will not hurt me.’ ”
“One day in summer Frog was not feeling well. Toad said, ‘Frog, you are looking quite green.’ ‘But I always look green,’ said Frog. ‘I am a frog.’ ‘Today you look very green even for a frog,’ said Toad.”
“Toad put the thin button in his pocket. He was very angry. He jumped up and down and screamed, ‘The whole world is covered with buttons, and not one of them is mine!’ ”
“Frog and Toad jumped into the water. They swam all afternoon. Frog swam fast and made big splashes. Toad swam slowly and made smaller splashes.”
“Toad was getting colder and colder. He was beginning to shiver and sneeze. ‘I will have to come out of the water,’ said Toad. ‘I am catching a cold.’ ”
“No one has ever sent me a letter. Every day my mailbox is empty. That is why waiting for the mail is a sad time for me.”
“Frog said, ‘I wrote, ‘Dear Toad, I am glad that you are my best friend. Your best friend, Frog.’ ”
“Frog and Toad waited a long time. Four days later the snail got to Toad’s house and gave him the letter from Frog. Toad was very pleased to have it. ”
“Frog pushed a coat down over the top of Toad. Frog pulled snowpants up over the bottom of Toad. He put a hat and scarf on Toad’s head. ‘Help!’ cried Toad. ‘My best friend is trying to kill me!’ ‘I’m only getting you ready for winter,’ said Frog. ”
“ ‘Do not be afraid,’ said Frog. ‘I will be with you on the sled. It will be a fine, fast ride. Toad, you sit in front. I will sit right behind you.’ “
“Toad walked along the path. A large, soft drop of chocolate ice cream slipped down his arm. ‘This ice cream is melting in the sun,’ said Toad. Toad walked faster. Many drops of melting ice cream flew through the air. They fell down on Toad’s head. ‘I must hurry back to Frog!’ he cried. “
“Frog hid behind a rock. He saw the thing coming. It was big and brown. It was covered with sticks and leaves. It had two horns.”
“That night Frog and Toad were both happy when they each turned out the light and went to bed.”
“ ‘Frog is late,’ said Toad. Toad looked at his clock. He remembered it was broken. The hands of the clock did not move. Toad opened the front door. He looked out into the night. Frog was not there. ‘I am worried,’ said Toad.”
“Toad found some rope in the cellar. ‘I will pull Frog out of the hole with this,’ said Toad. Toad found a lantern in the attic. ‘Frog will see this light. I will show him the way out of the woods,’ said Toad. Toad found a frying pan in the kitchen. ‘I will hit that big animal with this,’ said Toad. ‘All of his teeth with fall out. Frog, do not worry,’ cried Toad. ‘I am coming to help you!’ “
“Toad opened his present from Frog. It was a beautiful new clock. The two friends sat by the fire. The hands of the clock moved to show the hours of a merry Christmas Eve.”
“Toad looked out of his window. ‘These messy leaves have covered everything,’ said Toad. He took a rake out of the closet. ‘I will run over to Frog’s house. I will rake all of his leave. Frog will be very pleased.’ “
“A wind came. It blew across the land. The pile of leaves that Frog had raked for Toad blew everywhere. The pile of leaves that Toad raked for Frog blew everywhere.”

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