
singing Quotes

81 of the best book quotes about singing
“It is fun to sing if you sing with a Ying. My Ying can sing like anything.”
“I sing high and my Ying sings low, and we are not too bad, you know.”
“Say she rail; why, I’ll tell her plain She sings as sweetly as a nightingale. Say that she frown; I’ll say she looks as clear As morning roses newly wash’d with dew. Say she be mute and will not speak a word; Then I’ll commend her volubility, and say she uttereth piercing eloquence.”
“Now I want to live like everybody else. I want to have a wife like everybody else and to take her out on Sundays. I have invented a mask that makes me look like anybody. People will not even turn round in the streets. You will be the happiest of women. And we will sing, all by ourselves, till we swoon away with delight.”
“She is singing to-night to bring the chandelier down!”
“And they can not touch an instrument, or open their mouths to sing, without producing sounds that put all other human sounds to shame.”
“I always wanted to be a real singer, the kind that comes out on the stage all dressed up. But I didn’t have no education and I didn’t know the first way about how to start in being a stage singer.”
“I sung of Chaos and Eternal Night, Taught by the heav’nly Muse to venture down The dark descent, and up to reascend.”
“They’ll stand close together, with Christmas bells ringing. They’ll stand hand-in-hand, and those Whos will start singing!”
“Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small, Was singing without any presents at all!”
“The ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together.”
“Your music was beautiful, man, the most beautiful I have ever heard, and such singing we will never hear again.”
″‘No!’ Mom or Ethan would shout when I wet the floor. ‘Good boy!’ they’d sing when I peed in the grass. ‘Okay, that’s good,’ they’d say when I urinated on the papers. I could not understand what in the world was wrong with them.”
“It was sad like few other hymns I’d heard. I don’t know why exactly, but I started to hum it as I saw more uniformed officers entering the vestibule outside the visitation room. It seemed like something that might help...After a few minutes, the family joined me. I went over to Herbert’s wife as she held him tightly, sobbing softly. I whispered to her, ‘We have to let him go.’ Herbert saw the officers lining up outside, and he pulled away from her slowly and told me to take her out of the room.”
“You must carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain and sing while I drink so I can get strong, too.”
“She waved at all the people on the train & later, when she saw they didn’t wave back, she started singing songs to herself & it went that way the whole day & she couldn’t remember having a better time in her life.”
“You are a dangerous collection of all my favorite things. An old soul, a heart of gold and hands that make my body sing.”
“And well she sang a service, with a fine Intoning through her nose, as was most seemly, And she spoke daintily in French, extremely, After the school of Stratford-atte-Bowe; French in the Paris style she did not know.”
“Once I thought they sang because everything was right with the world... I now know I was wrong. They sing because they’re feeble-minded.”
″‘I never heard a mockingbird sing so early,’ said Ma, and Pa answered, softly, ‘He is telling us good-by.‘”
“Where the heart is not singing there is no melody, there is only the dreadful medley of human self-praise.”
“In the name of Annah the Allmaziful, the Everliving, the Bringer of Plurabilities, haloed be her eve, her singtime sung, her rill be run, unhemmed as it is uneven!”
“On the way home, we sang with special enthusiasm, On top of old Smoky, two thousand feet tall, I shot my old teacher with a big booger ball. I shot her with glory, I shot her with pride. How could I miss her? She’s thirty feet wide.”
“I caught the happy virus last night When I was out singing beneath the stars. It is remarkably contagious - So kiss me.”
“I caught the happy virus last night When I was out singing beneath the stars. It is remarkably contagious - So kiss me.”
″ I love my brown shoes, I love my brown shoes, I love my brown shoes.”
“I guess it simply goes to show that stuff will come and stuff will go. But do we cry? Goodness no! We keep singing.”
“Did Pete cry? Goodness, no! Buttons come and buttons go. He kept on singing his song”
“Did Pete cry? Goodness, no! He kept walking along and singing his song.”
“No matter what you step in, keep walking along and singing your song... because its all good.”
″ I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes.”
″ I love my blue shoes, I love my blue shoes, I love my blue shoes.”
“In the great forest a little elephant is born. His name is Babar. His mother loves him very much. She rocks him to sleep with her trunk while singing softly to him.”
“And the whale herd sang their gladness that the tribe would also live, because they knew that the girl would need to be carefully taught before she could claim the place for her people in the world”
“Let us all sing! It’s good for almost anything.”
“When the thrush stopped singing, the king looked around for Sylvie. He couldn’t see her anywhere! ‘Perhaps she’s playing hide-and-seek,’ he thought. So he started searching for her in the thick bushes, prodding with his stick.”
“At singing time she said I sang too loud. At counting time she said I left out sixteen. Who needs sixteen? I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.”
″‘Hey,’ said the lion, ‘I’m the king. But I’d be proud to stay and sing.‘”
“Why do you wanna fight? ... Because I can’t sing or dance.”
“Together my parents sang what they had written, then let me rest.”
“When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every tenement and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old spiritual, ‘Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.‘”
“All day they fished in a seething sea. The waves were so high and the clouds were so low that they soon lost sight of the shore. And all the time the Great Storm-Cat played with the little boat, striking it and then losing it, but never quite sinking it. And whenever his claws grew to sharp, Mowzer would sing to him to soften the edge of his anger.”
“The fact was that Lovis liked to sing while she was having her baby. It made things easier, she insisted, and the baby would probably be all the jollier if it arrived on earth to the sound of a song.”
“I did my singing tryouts with a bunch of other boys whose moms made them come, too. I tried to sing as quietly as possible, but of course I got singled out, anyway. I have no idea what a “soprano” is, but from the way some of the girls were giggling, I knew it wasn’t a good thing.”
“Rashid Khalifa was so busy making up and telling stories that he didn’t notice that Soraya no longer sang; which probably made things worse. But then Rashid was a busy man, in constant demand, he was the Ocean of Notions, the famous Shah de Blah. And what with all his rehearsals and performance, Rashid was so often on stage that he lost track of what was going on in his own home.”
“Her voice was true, her fingers clever on string, stick or pipe, and she knew the Deathsong. For all Yanus could be certain, the aggravating child had been practicing that song ever since old Petiron started burning with his fatal fever.”
“I felt rotten today. It’s my mother’s fault for singing “My Way” at two o’clock in the morning at the top of the stairs. Just my luck to have a mother like her. There is a chance my parents could be alcoholics. Next year I could be in a children’s home.”
″‘Grandaddy came here in his mama’s, Sarah’s, arms,’ Jones said quietly. ‘She wasn’t free yet. The war wasn’t started but it was coming. Only Sarah couldn’t wait. I expect she ran until she found a place big enough to free her troubles. Just the clothes on her back, that half-dead child and the song she sang to him, my granddaddy. He grew up and sang it to my daddy. And he to me.‘”
“And he wanted to rise up, singing, singing in that great morning, the morning of his new life. Ah, how his tears ran down, how they blessed his soul! --as he felt himself, out of the darkness, and the fire, and the terrors of death, rising upward to meet the saints.”
“Nayasha kept a small plot of land, on which she grew millet, sunflowers, yams, and vegetables. She always sang as she worked, and some said it was her singing that made her crops more beautiful than anyone else’s.”
“The cat from France liked to sing and dance.”
“Look at all these clever cats, cats from Spain, Brazil and France, cats from Greece, Japan and Norway, cats who sing and fly and dance...”
“While she waited for the bus she skipped and sang: ‘Jam on biscuits, jam on bread, Jam is the thing I like most, Jam is sticky, jam is sweet, Jam is tasty, jam’s a treat - raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, I’m very FOND…OF…JAM!’ ”
“Mr. Bird was happy. He was so happy he had to sing. This was Mr. Bird’s song: ‘I love my house. I love my nest. In all the world my nest is best!’ ”
“Mickey the Milkman dived down to the bottom singing: ‘I’m in the milk and the milk’s in me. God bless milk and God bless me! Then he swam to the top, pouring milk from his cup into batter below”
“Mr. Bird went in. And there was Mrs. Bird! Sitting there, singing! ‘I love my house, I love my nest. In all the world this nest is best.’ ”
“Mr. Bird was very happy too. He flew to the top of his house. He sang is song again.”
“Ramona considered. Kindergarten had not turned out as she had expected. Still, even though she had not been given a present and Miss Binney did not love her, she had liked being with other boys and girls her own age. She liked singing the song about the dawnzer and having her own little cupboard. ”
“She sang the song very softly: ‘I do not like the way you slide, I do not like your soft inside, I do not like you lots of ways, And I could do for many days without eggs’ ”
“She closed her eyes, but she still could not sleep. So she began to sing a little song about the alphabet. She made it up as she went along.”
“As I walked out one evening, Walking down Bristol Street, The crowds upon the pavement Were fields of harvest wheat. And down by the brimming river I head a lover sing Under an arch of the railway; ‘Love has no ending.‘”
“He was just falling asleep when all the birds started to sing and the sun peeped in at the window. ‘TWEET, TWEET!’ went the birds. SHINE SHINE went the sun.”
“Oh, how good everything tasted in that bower, with the fresh wind rustling the poplar leaves, sunshine and sweet woods smells about them, and birds singing overhead! No grown-up dinner party ever had half so much fun. Each mouthful was a pleasure; and when the last crumb had vanished, Katy produced the second basket...”
“Virginia stepped forward, and laid on it a large cross made of white and pink almond-blossoms. As she did so, the moon came out from behind a cloud, and flooded with its silent silver the little churchyard, and from the distant copse a nightingale began to sing.”
″...laugh as often and sing, for tears are plentier than smiles in this little world of ours...”
“His mother always hummed when she was worried. When she held a well child on her lap and rocked back and forth, she sang. But when she held a sick child close in her arms and the rocker moved just enough to squeak a little, she would hum.”
″‘Will you be my mama?’ said the child, ‘and will you sing to me all the time? And can we all stay here together and live in the beautiful house where the party is and not go out into the world?‘”
“When the Little House saw the green grass and the birds singing, she didn’t feel sad anymore.”
“Malusi liked doing things slowly. He sang a little after he had pulled on this T-shirt. He played a little and then he put in his shoes - his tackies. There were very old tackies. When they were new they had belonged to Mongi.”
“Except for you I have never heard anyone who could sing as your father did in the morning. In order to make his voice stronger, he would close both his eyes. And he would stand on his tiptoes and stretch forth his long slender neck.”
“Never again shall you with your flattery get me to sing with my eyes closed. For he who closes his eyes when he should watch, God let him never prosper.”
“Every morning the birds sing, and the Owl flies back to his dark hole. When the birds see him, they mob him, remembering his trick. He dare only come out at night, to scrape a bare living on rats, mice and beetles.”
“The birds took no notice of him. They went on singing, in their thin, hungry voices. It was a long time since they had sung. Now they sang very low, and very sadly.”
“Everything was home in a way except school. The United States of America was home and he could feel it when they sang The Star Spangled Banner. And the ranch was home. The house was home. But most particularly the bed was home.”
“My special wish for you is that before you’re one year older, you’ll inherit some of the Crowley money, so that you can take those singing lessons!”
Singing Of speckled eggs the birdie sings And nests among the trees; The sailor sings of ropes and things In ships upon the seas. The children sing in far Japan, The children sing in Spain; The organ with the organ man Is singing in the rain.
“Your outside is all that’s worth while, while I, for all my plain and humble garb, can sing with such sweet melody...”
“Double singing where they go_Eee aye eee aye eee aye oh!”
“Now, carols are always beautiful, but if you are sad they can make you feel sadder.”
So he sang it again. The more it SNOWS-tiddely-pom, The more it GOES-tiddely-pom The more it GOES-tiddely-pom On Snowing. And nobody KNOWS-tiddely-pom, How cold my TOES-tiddely-pom How cold my TOES-tiddely-pom Are Growing. He sang it like that, which is much the best way of singing it, and when he had finished, he waited for Piglet to say that, of all the Outdoor Hums for Snowy Weather he had ever heard, this was the best. And, after thinking the matter out carefully, Piglet said: “Pooh,” he said solemnly, “it isn’t the toes so much as the ears.”
“Then I had a vague memory of something long and dark with red eyes, just as we saw in the sunset, and something very sweet and very bitter all around me at once; and then I seemed sinking into deep green water, and there was a singing in my ears, as I have heard there is to drowning men; and then everything seemed passing away from me; my soul seemed to go out from my body and float about the air.”

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