
possessions Quotes

37 of the best book quotes about possessions
“We will have rings, and things, and fine array.”
“I don’t want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together.”
“I’m very scared, Buster. Yes, at last. Because it could go on forever. Not knowing what’s yours until you’ve thrown it away.”
“This process in turn helps us identify our values and reduces doubt and confusion in making life decisions. If we can have confidence in our decisions and launch enthusiastically into action without any doubts holding us back, we will be able to achieve much more. In other words, the sooner we confront our possessions the better. If you are going to put your house in order, do it now.”
“Caring for your possessions is the best way to motivate them to support you, their owner. When you treat your belongings well, they will always respond in kind . . . I take time to ask myself occasionally whether the storage space I’ve set aside for them will make them happy. Storage, after all, is the sacred act of choosing a home for my belongings.”
“From the earliest age, we must learn to say good-bye to friends and family. . . But experience is less likely to teach us how to bid our dearest possessions adieu. And if it were to? We wouldn’t welcome the education. For eventually, we come to hold our dearest possessions more closely than we hold our friends.”
“Today is our most precious possession. It is our only sure possession.”
“i have what i have and i am happy i’ve lost what i’ve lost and i am still happy - outlook”
“I mean, when I think about it, what’s more important? Clothes - or the miracle of new life?”
“The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, personal and family history, belief systems, and often also political, nationalistic, racial, religious, and other collective identifications. None of these is you.”
“My brief animosity, lasting only a second, a part of a second, something which came before I could recognize it and was gone before I knew it had possessed me, what was that in the midst of this holocaust?”
“All Joy reminds. It is never a possession, always a desire for something longer ago or further away or still ‘about to be’.”
“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
“My son is my most precious possession. I have nothing in the world compared to my son. I must know what he is reading.”
“But, Eva, dear, your shoes are carrying your most valuable possession-your life.”
“you get what you can, try to keep that and add to it if possible.”
“You aren’t leaving, Susie. You’re mine now. ”
“Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything.”
“If you must be careless with your possessions, let it be in connection with material things.”
“We couldn’t take Momma’s shells, nor Ruth’s baby doll made of flannel bits and calico, nor the wooden bowl Poppa made for me. Nothing belonged to us.”
“It appears that ordinary men take wives because possession is not possible without marriage, and that ordinary women accept husbands because marriage is not possible without possession.”
“You weren’t mine to begin with.”
“A man who has a language consequently possesses the world expressed and implied by that language.”
“In truth, laws are always useful to those with possessions and harmful to those who have nothing; from which it follows that the social state is advantageous to men only when all possess something and none has too much.”
“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free.”
“We have got all we want in territory, but our claim to be left in undisputed enjoyment of vast splendid possessions, largely acquired by war and largely maintained by force, is one which often seems less reasonable to others than to us.”
“When you get up every day, put on your protective armor. Don’t leave your day to chance. Take possession of it and surrender it to the Lord. Don’t let it get out of control and give the enemy an invitation to have input.”
“They measure their esteem of each other by what each has, and not by what each is.”
“Belong? Well, sir, you might say it belonged to the King of Spain, but I don’t see how you can honestly grant anybody else clear title to it—except by right of possession.”
“Dave tried to explain to the lady that it was his Dogger, who had got lost and somehow been put on the stall by mistake, but she wasn’t listening.”
“The possession of a title does not an aristocrat make.”
“But the dresses must serve another purpose now. Would they bring enough to pay her passage on a ship? Fine cloth like this was rare in Connecticut. In many families, she had learned, one dress such as these would be handed down through three generations as a cherished possession.”
“We figured if the house was gone, and the paperwork and data inside it gone, and all the objects they fought about gone, the power would be gone.”
“It examines how possessions and wealth affect self-image and esteem, why some people become misers and others gamblers, spendthrifts and tycoons, and why some people gain more pleasure from giving away money than from retaining it.”
“My dear Tony, he had more clothes than anybody in the world. He just kept them here in case they might be useful, I expect.
Source: Chapter 13, Line 6
“Knows all that, Mas’r St. Clare; Mas’r’s been too good; but, Mas’r, I’d rather have poor clothes, poor house, poor everything, and have ‘em mine, than have the best, and have ‘em any man’s else,—I had so, Mas’r; I think it’s natur, Mas’r.”
Source: Chapter 28, Paragraph 13
“When I have met an immigrant tottering under a bundle which contained his all—looking like an enormous wen which had grown out of the nape of his neck—I have pitied him, not because that was his all, but because he had all that to carry.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 102

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