
The Sun Is Also A Star Quotes

20 of the best book quotes from The Sun Is Also A Star
“A word can start off meaning one thing and end up meaning another… Words shouldn’t be allowed to change meanings.”
“Everyone’s got some place to be. Finding God is not on the schedule.”
“My mom says it’s time for me to give up now, and that what I’m doing is futile.”
“We tell ourselves there are reasons for the things that happen, but we’re just telling ourselves stories. We make them up. They don’t mean anything.”
“Names are powerful things. They act as an identity marker and a kind of map, locating you in time and geography. More than that, they can be a compass.”
“When I was a little girl fairy tales were my favorite books because even before you opened them you knew how they are going to end. Happily ever after.”
“Maybe I should give up. I don’t know why I haven’t yet. The universe is clearly trying to save me from myself. I bet if I looked for signs about parting ways, I would find them.”
“Life is just a series of dumb decisions and indecisions and coincidences that we ascribe meaning to.”
“You can’t always see God’s plan.”
“Where did all those feelings go? People spend their whole lives looking for love. Poems and songs and entire novels are written about it. But how can you trust something that can end as suddenly as it begins?”
“When they say the heart wants what it wants, they’re talking about the poetic heart—the heart of love songs and soliloquies, the one that can break as if it were just-formed glass. They’re not talking about the real heart, the one that only needs healthy foods and aerobic exercise.”
“America’s not really a melting pot. It’s more like one of those divided metal plates with separate sections for starch, meat, and veggies.”
“What is falling in love? A series of small coincidences that we say means everything because we want to believe that our tiny lives matter on a galactic scale. But falling in love doesn’t even begin to compare on the formation of the universe.”
“It’s not a religion. It exists whether you believe in it or not.”
“It’s not up to you to help other people fit you into a box.”
“I love this part of getting to know someone. How every piece of new information, every new expression seems magical.”
“Human beings are not reasonable creatures. Instead of being ruled by logic, we are ruled by emotions. The world would be a happier place if the opposite were true.”
“Who cares what you want? The only thing that matters is what is good for you. Your mother and I only care about what is good for you. You go to school, you become a doctor, you be successful. Then you never have to work in a store like this. Then you have money and respect, and all the things you want will come. You find a nice girl and have children and you have the American Dream. Why would you throw your future away for temporary things that you only want right now?”
“I’ll be a great doctor with excellent bedside skills. I’ll be perfectly happy. But something about Natasha makes me think my life could be extraordinary.”
“My father and I were close once. In Jamaica, and even after we moved here, we were inseparable. Most times it felt like me and my dad—the Dreamers—against my mom and my brother—the Non-Dreamers...I listened to his stories about how our life would be after he became famous. I listened long after my mom and brother had stopped listening.”

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