
Fredrik Backman Quotes

40 of the best book quotes from Fredrik Backman
“He thinks about how Sonja would have taken it if she’d found out. If she’d known that her best friend had not asked for her help because Sonja had ‘enough problems.’ She would have been heartbroken.”
“He was a man of black and white. And she was color. All the color he had.”
“‘Men are what they are because of what they do. Not what they say.‘”
“But if anyone had asked, he would have told them that he never lived before he met her. And not after either.”
“When he almost imperceptibly takes a half step backwards into the hall...he notices, from the corner of his eye, the photo of Sonja on the wall. The red dress. The bus trip to Spain when she was pregnant. He asked her so many times to take that bloody photo down, but she refused. She said it was ‘a memory worth as much as any other.‘”
“He went through life with his hands firmly shoved into his pockets. She danced.”
“Straight lines, even edges. People don’t shovel snow that way anymore. Nowadays they just clear a way, they use snow blowers and all sorts of things. Any old method will do, scattering snow all over the place. As if that were the only thing that mattered in life: pushing one’s way forward.”
“But sorrow is unreliable in that way. When people don’t share it there’s a good chance that it will drive them apart instead.”
“It’s a strange thing, becoming an orphan at sixteen. To lose your family long before you’ve had time to create your own to replace it. It’s a very specific sort of loneliness.”
“‘Loving someone is like moving into a house,’ Sonja used to say. ‘At first you fall in love with all the new things, amazed every morning that all this belongs to you, as if fearing that someone would suddenly come rushing in through the door to explain that a terrible mistake had been made, you weren’t actually supposed to live in a wonderful place like this. Then over the years the walls become weathered, the wood splinters here and there, and you start to love that house not so much because of all its perfection, but rather for its imperfections. You get to know all the nooks and crannies. How to avoid getting the key caught in the lock when it’s cold outside. Which of the floorboards flex slightly when one steps on them or exactly how to open the wardrobe doors without them creaking. These are the little secrets that make it your home.’”
“It is difficult to admit that one is wrong. Particularly when one has been wrong for a very long time.”
“He’d discovered that he liked houses. Maybe mostly because they were understandable... Houses were fair, they gave you what you deserved. Which, unfortunately, was more than one could say about people.”
“After the accident Ove bought a Saab 95 so he’d have space for Sonja’s wheelchair. That same year Rune bought a Volvo 245 to have space for a stroller. Three years later Sonja got a more modern wheelchair and Ove bought a hatchback, a Saab 900. Rune bought a Volvo 265 because Anita had started talking about having another child.”
“But everywhere, sooner or later, he was stopped by men in white shirts with strict, smug expressions on their faces. And one couldn’t fight them. Not only did they have the state on their side, they were the state.”
“Ove has probably known all along what he has to do, but all people at root are time optimists. We always think there’s enough time to do things with other people. Time to say things to them. And then something happens and then we stand there holding on to words like ‘if.‘”
“It is difficult to admit that one is wrong. Particularly when one has been wrong for a very long time.”
“But Ove isn’t bloody arguing. He just thinks right is right. Is that such an unreasonable attitude to life?”
“And if you could just go and buy everything, what was the value of it? What was the value of a man?”
“Since his father’s death he had begun more and more to differentiate between people who did what they should, and those who didn’t. People who did and people who just talked. Ove talked less and less and did more and more.”
“Both men, once as close as men of that sort could be, stare at each other. One of them a man who refuses to forget the past, and one who can’t remember it at all.”
“There’s an obvious difference between the children who live in homes where the money can run out and the ones who don’t. How old you are when you realize that also makes a difference.”
“This sport demands only one thing from you. Your all.”
“If you are honest, people may deceive you. Be honest anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfishness. Be kind anyway.”
“They say Im to little to play. Become good player any way!”
“You never have the sort of friends you have when you’re fifteen ever again. Even if you keep them for the rest of your life, it’s never the same as it was then.”
“All the good you do today will be forgotten by others tomorrow. Do good anyway.”
“Never trust people who don’t have something in their lives that they love beyond all reason.”
“Tomorrow, the Beartown Ice Hockey Club’s junior team is playing in the semifinal of the biggest youth tournament in the country. How important can something like that be? In most places, not so important, of course. But Beartown isn’t most places.”
“She hates hockey but understands her father’s love for it; the sport is just a different instrument from hers.”
“He was seven years old, and everyone already knew that he had the bear inside him. That sort of thing can’t be ignored.”
“We don’t want our children to pursue their own dreams or walk in our footsteps. We want to walk in their footsteps while they pursue our dream.”
″’s like saying, ‘Don’t think about cookies,’ and now you’re thinking about cookies.”
“We lie to those we love.”
“It’s always very easy to declare that other people are idiots, but only if you forget how idiotically difficult being human is.”
“The older man thinks the most important thing is for a police officer to do the right thing. the younger thinks it’s more important to do things correctly.”
“She said you can’t protect your kids from life, because life gets us all in the end.”
“In truth, it wasn’t the man on the bridge that made the teenage boy want to be a policeman. It was the teenage girl who was standing on the same railing a week later that made him want it. The one who didn’t jump.”
“That was a parent’s job: to provide shoulders. Shoulders for your children to sit on when they’re little so they can see the world, then stand on when they get older so they can reach the clouds, and sometimes lean against whenever they stumble and feel unsure.”
“Sometimes it’s easier to live with your own anxieties if you know that no one else is happy, either.”
“Too much time has passed for the father to ask his son how he’s doing, too much time for the son to be able to explain. The distance between them is too great now.”

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