
wanting more Quotes

29 of the best book quotes about wanting more
“Things are sweeter when they’re lost. I know--because once I wanted something and got it. It was the only thing I ever wanted badly, Dot. And when I got it it turned to dust in my hands.”
“Desire is an odd thing. As soon as it’s sated, it transmutes. If we receive golden thread, we desire the golden needle.”
“I know where I want to be, but I can’t possibly be sure we’re anywhere near it.”
“When it’s hard and you are doubtful, give more.”
We are only what we know, and I wished to be so much more than I was, sorely.
“A way of life that keeps saying ‘Around the next corner, above the next step,’ works against the natural order of things and makes it so difficult to be happy and good.”
“My life looks as if it had been wasted for want of chances! When I see what you know, what you have read, and seen, and thought, I feel what a nothing I am!”
“She looked extraordinarily beautiful to him, and majestic as a phantom; without understanding what she wanted, he had a foreboding of something terrible.”
“Everyone has some darkness inside. It’s like a hungry creature. It wants and wants and wants with a terrible power.”
“You see, I want a lot. Perhaps I want everything the darkness that comes with every infinite fall and the shivering blaze of every step up.”
“I’m sure people just kiss each other. I’m sure that sometimes you’re talking and somehow two people move closer and closer to each other and then, they just kiss. I’m sure it happens all the time. But I’m also sure that a kiss is never just a kiss.”
“As long as you think more is better, you’ll never be satisfied.”
“So often, either consciously or unconsciously, we want something from others, especially when we have done something for them – It’s almost as though we keep score of our own good deeds rather than remembering that giving is its own reward.”
“You and I have all we need in this world. Ah! how sinister and covetous you look already!”
“Are you happy here?” I said at last. He considered this for a moment. “Not particularly,” he said. “But you’re not very happy where you are, either.”
“No ego can last for long without the need for more. Therefore, wanting keeps the ego alive much more than having. The ego wants to want more than it wants to have. And so the shallow satisfaction of having is always replaced by more wanting.”
“No matter what you have or get, you won’t be happy. You will always be looking for something else that promises greater fulfillment, that promises to make your incomplete sense of self complete and fill that sense of lack you feel within.”
“And you’ll miss me more as the narrowing weeks wing by. Someday duly, oneday truly, twosday newly, till whensday.”
“I wanted ye from the first I saw ye--but I loved ye when you wept in my arms and let me comfort you, that first time at Leoch.”
″‘Son, if you want to, one day you could make a million dollars.‘”
“THE WORLD IS increasingly designed to depress us. Happiness isn’t very good for the economy. If we were happy with what we had, why would we need more? How do you sell an anti-ageing moisturiser? You make someone worry about ageing. How do you get people to vote for a political party? You make them worry about immigration. How do you get them to buy insurance? By making them worry about everything. How do you get them to have plastic surgery? By highlighting their physical flaws. How do you get them to watch a TV show? By making them worry about missing out. How do you get them to buy a new smartphone? By making them feel like they are being left behind. To be calm becomes a kind of revolutionary act. To be happy with your own non-upgraded existence. To be comfortable with our messy, human selves, would not be good for business.”
He’ll ask for paper and crayons. He’ll draw a picture. When the picture is finished, he’ll want to sign his name with a pen. Then he’ll want to hang his picture on your refrigerator.”
“And chances are if he asks you for a glass of milk, he’s going to want a cookie to go with it.”
“If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to ask for a glass of milk. When you give him the milk, he’ll probably ask you for a straw. When he’s finished, he’ll ask you for a napkin.”
“Looking at the refrigerator will remind him that he’s thirsty. So… he’ll ask for a glass of milk.”
“Poor unhappy Hendrika. She longed to see something besides the house, the barn, and the windmill. Instead she ate and ate and ate. And she grew fat and then fatter, and then very very very fat. She grew so fat that she could barely move.”
″...all I want is peace and quiut and a little fun and here I am tied down to this life he said taking off his crown being royal has many painful drawbacks.”
“I do not know why it is the fate of the world always to want something different from what life gives them.”
″‘Oh, as far as they go.’ Helmholtz shrugged his shoulders. ‘But they go such a little way. They aren’t important enough, somehow. I feel I could do something much more important. Yes, and more intense, more violent. But what? What is there more important to say?

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